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Zacky's POV


"So Gena walked in on you guys after sex?" Matt asked.

I nodded.

"She came to apologize for not supporting you caring about Chris?" Johnny asked.

I nodded.

"And you left Chris alone, to run after Gena?" Jimmy asked.

I cringed.

He didn't say it in an accusing way.

But the words hit me just as hard as if he would have.

I nodded again.

I heard the guys take in a deep breath.

"I would love to tell you that she's gonna come running back after she cools off. But that's not Chris." Brian said.

"I know. I fucked up big time." I said angrily.

They were quiet for a moment.

"So what happened to Gena?" Johnny asked quietly.

"What do you think? She broke up with me. I don't blame her. Things have been wrong for a while now. I just wish it didn't happen this way." I said.

Brian clapped me on the shoulder.

"It's all gonna work itself out man." He told me reassuringly.

"How can you be so sure? I hurt Chris. I hurt her so bad. I slept with her. I gave her everything she's been looking for, even though she didn't know it herself. And I took it away just as quickly. That's hard for a person to deal with. Especially for someone struggling with addiction. Fuck knows what she's gonna do to try and numb the pain I've caused her." I said, rubbing my temple and squeezing my head through my hands.

"You can't think like that Zacky. You have to be positive. Even if it's really hard." Matt said.

I looked at him incredulously.

Being positive is so much easier said than done.

Chris' POV


I stared at the needle I was twisting beneath my fingers.

I knew I shouldn't have come here.

I should've taken some time.

Let me get my thoughts straight, and talked to Zacky.

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