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Quinn's POV


"Will you just get in the goddamn shower!" I yelled.

"No! What the hell is wrong with you? I'm not showering with you in here!" She yelled back at me.

I took in a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

I'm not very well known for my patience.

"Look. First thing we have to do, is get you clean so you don't look like a fucking street rat. You're gonna start detox tomorrow. So would you rather be clean and feeling fresh. Or smell like a dirty diaper?" I asked her.

"I do not smell like a dirty diaper!" She exclaimed.

"Well you could've fooled me. Now get your ass in the shower. I'll be waiting outside." I told her, dropping her new bag of clothes on the floor, and walking out.

I heard her grumbling something unintelligible as I closed the door behind me.

I leaned against it, taking in a sigh.


Peace and quiet.

Not something I've been getting since I met Christine three hours ago.

It took me a little over an hour just to get her in my car.

She's like a fucking two year old.

I can already see how having her as my parolee is gonna be.


I'm gonna need a lot of aspirin.

Zacky's POV

"Do you think she's doing okay?" I asked the guys.

They all groaned out loud.

It's been a week since Chris went running out of here and I haven't heard from her since.

I'm getting really tired of this.

Of not knowing where she is.

Who she's with.

What she's doing.

If she's alright.

Those questions are the ones that keep me up at night with worry.

And I can't seem to get them out of my mind.

"Dude, Chris is street smart. She knows how to handle herself. Just give her some time to get her head on straight. She'll be back. She always comes back." Brian said.

I stayed quiet because they all knew just as well as I did, that this situation, is nothing like the others.

It's so much more complicated.

"Maybe we should just drive around and look for her for a while." I suggested, standing up and grabbing my keys.

"Zacky, you could drive around all night. But if Chris doesn't want you to find her. You won't." Jimmy said.

I sighed deeply and sat back down.

He is right after all.

"I just can't take this. I just want her back. I want her here with me. Where I can see her, and hold her, take care of her." I grumbled, squeezing my head between my hands.

"And you will. Just give it time." Johnny said.

"Fuck this is horrible." I said.

They stayed silent and just let me vent.

"She left before I even got to tell her." I said in a tight voice, my eyes starting to slightly burn.

"Tell her what?" Johnny asked.

"That I love her." I said quietly.

They all looked up at me.

Some with looks of surprise and others with looks of sadness.

"I love her. With all of my fucking heart." I cried, finally letting the tears fall.

:: You shouldn't ever come around

Why don't you just go home? ::

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