chapter 19

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ash had just left the room when i heard a knock on the door

"back already" i said getting up to open the door

but ash wasnt standing at my door it was my ex amber

"what are you doing here" i said

she pushed her way in my room

"just visiting and old friend" she said

"you cant be here me and ash are hanging out" i said trying to get her to leave

"oh boo hoo ash this ash that where is she"

"she went to get our food back from louis and zayn" i said

she nodded her head and walked back towards me

"you need to leave"

"but niall you know you still love me" she said brushing her hand over my face

"no amber you cheated on me"

"yeah well i wont do it again i promise" she said moving closer.

i took a step back and she stepped closer till i fell back on the bed.

"look you cant even stay on your feet for me" she said

"yeah its because you..." 

she cut me off with a kiss. she pushed me back so she was straddling me

"hey niall look i got all the food ba..." ash said

i finally pushed her off of me and she hit the floor. i looked over at ash and she had started crying. 

"look she came here and she..." i started

but she started running.

"shit" i said i followed her but she ran into the elevator and the doors shut by the time i got there

i walked back to the room and picked up my phone

"you really need to leave like now" i told amber

i dialled ash's number as amber left

no answer. i called again. i called 5 times no answer

i threw the phone at the wall and fell on the bed

i knew i had screwed up but it wasnt my fault

----------ash p.o.v----------------------------------------------------------------------------

"louis and zayn" i said walking into their room

they were on the bed eating our food

they looked at me with their mouth. i ran over and jumped on them

"me and niall would like our food back" i said picking up everything i could carry. i ran out shutting the door behind me. i made my way down the hall to nialls hotel room. i heard talking. i pushed the door open

"hey niall i got all the food ba...' i stoped i looked on the bed

and niall and his ex...... was on the bed making out. i mean full on snogging

i dropped the food and he pushed her off of him she hit the floor

"look she came here and she..." he started

i didnt let him finish i ran out. into the elevators and out the door. i didnt even care if he followed. the cameras were flashing and people were throwing questions at me. but i kept running. i didnt even know where i was running. my phone started buzzing in my pocket. i ignored it. 

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