Chapter 14

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“dude look at the water” Louis said to me

We were standing side by side leaning over the railing

“I know dude its amazayn” I said

We stood there for a few more moments before Louis almost fell in

“Shit Lou” I yelled

I had him by his shorts and he was halfway off the boat


I was laughing really hard and I could feel him slipping


No one came


Finally niall appeared eating a sandwhich

“yes” he said coming to my side

“help me niall. Put the sandwhich down and…” I was cut off by a splash noise

We looked over to see that lou had fallen into the water and I still had his shorts

“oh my god” I said

Niall was laughing

“go tell the man to stop the boat” I said

He nodded and left

Lou was swimming after us. I threw him the rope and he grabbed it

The boat was slowly stopping now and every one was coming out to see why

“before you get back on the ship please put these back on” I said throwing him his shorts

He was blushing and everyone else was laughing

We finally helped lou back up and he went to change his clothes.

Everyone but me and Niall stayed out on the deck

“so what did you want to tell me yesterday”

“well it was… I just…I”

“well then spit it out” he said smilling

“I really really like you and I want to know if you like me to”I rushed out

He was silent

“I understand if you don’t…”

I was cut off by his lips on mine

Its was perfect. He pulled me onto his lap and we continued kissing

He pulled away  and smilled at me. I smiled back. I laid down on his chest

“so” I said

“so” he replied

“are we like together now”

I nodded my head and he laughed

We sat like this for a few more minutes

“so are we gonna tell them” I said

“lets Drop little Hints and see if they catch on” he said

We got up and he took my hand. We walked into the other room where they wee about to play twister.

Everyone was there except Zayn and Negin

“wheres zayn and Negin” niall asked

Everyone shrugged and said they didn’t know

We decided to join in

I was in a very awkward position

My head was a few inches from nialls crotch and Louis had his head on my boobs and my foot was a in a place id rather not mention

Zayn and Negin walked back into the room. They were both smiling.

“WHAT did  you guys do” Louis said

“nothing” zany said

“yes you guys did” lou said trying to get up

He failed. We all fell on the ground still in the same awkward positions. Danielle was laughing at us because she was the person spinning the  wheel

I pushed lou off of me

“god lou” I said

“im sorry please forgive me” he said

“no” I got up and started walking to the kitchen

“LET ME LOVE YOU” he said running after me and hugging me from behind

“calm down lou I love you” I said returning his hug

He smiled and went over to zayn

“niall babe you want something” I said

“yeah sure” he got up and followed me

We got into the kitchen

“I would have made you something babe you didn’t have to come” I said

“I know I just wanted to do this”

He leaned down so his lips were inched from mine

We started leaning closer

He picked me up and sat me on the counter. Without breaking the kiss

I ran my hands in his hair and licked his bittom lip asking for entrance. He opened his mouth slightly and our tongues danced together.

 “hey guys what are…” tom said but stopped when he saw us

Me and niall broke apart and looked at tom. He quickly left with an unreadable expression on his face.

“lets go back now” I said

“yes lets”

When we got back tom was sitting in the chair and everyone else were deciding what to watch

They finally decided on watching project x

Me and niall laid down on the floor

“so niall….ash you guys have something to tell us” tom said

Everyone looked at us

“well actually yes we do niall said”

He pulled me up and held our hands up so everyone could see

It took a minute before they finally got it

“oh my god finally” Harry said

Everyone else congradulated us

And we went back to the movie….. the last thing I remember is niall kissing my forehead

“good night Love”


hi guys sorry i havent uploaded but here it is theyre finally together and also i didnt upload because i coown an account

go follow and tell me if you did so i can give you a shoutout :)


and on tumblr follow for celeb urls. harry answered me :) im still excited about that even though it was a few days ago its a totaly new one so go follow if you were following me on my other one


and the video on the side is so sad....its about the little boy Ronan. taylor did a wonderful job on that song

also Vote/Comment/Fan please i fan back and if you have a story you want me to read let me know :)

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