chapter 18

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i woke up the next morning and just laid in bed letting the memories of last night wash over me. i was smiling when my sister came in

"what are you smiling at" she said

"nothing"i said as my phone beeped

i picked it up. it read 1 new text from nialler

"hey babe wanna hang with me today"

"yeah what are we doing" i texted back

"nothing really whatever you want" he texted

"can we go get icecream and cookies and have a movie day" i texted

"i like how you think see you in 30 babe" he texted

i hoped out of bed

"where are you going" to hang out with niall

"but you cant we have to spend the day with mom" she said

"oh well in that case im sick" i said fake coughing

"liar im telling mom" she said

she left the room and i picked up a banana and started eating it

a few minutes later she came in folowed by mom

"now what" mom said

"ash isnt coming" taylor whined

i rolled my eyes

"another date with niall" mom said

i nodded

"alright then see you later" she said leaving

taylor looked at me

"you always get what you want" 

"me... always get what i want... i didnt WANT to come to this trip. but i had to because of you" i said walking in the bathroom. i slammed teh door and proceeded to shower. i finished threw on my clothes and came out. taylor was gone. i slipped on my shoes and brushed through my hair. i was brushing my teeth when i heard a knock on the door. i rinsed and spit

i ran to the door and opened it. niall was there with a girly wig on and sunglasses and a fake wierd beard

"niall what are you wearing" i said laughing

"its a disguise here i brought you one" he said handing me a wig and a beard

"put it on" 

i obeyed and slid it on.

"ready" he asked

"yeah lets go lily" i said

he gave me a wierd look as we walked down the hall

we made it to his car and suprisingly it worked. he drove to the store and we ran in. he got a buggy and we went to the junk food aisle. 

"ready" he said

"yeah" i replied

he ran with the buggy while i pushed random stuff into it. by the time we got to the end of the aisle our buggy was full

we went to checkout out stuff. he paid and we left. the cashier was giving us a wierd look trying not to laugh.

we left and went to his the hotel. going in the back way. paul helped us take the grocieries in

"are you gonna eat all this" he asked me

"of course along with niall"

niall smiled at me, ismiled back

"love birds well i got to go" paul said shutting the door

"what are we gonna watch first"


"how about we watch your concert" i said


"well i have never seen it and i bet you havent either"

he shrugged


i pulled it up on youtube and we watched it eating mst of the food. ui was curled up beside niall in the bed. he had his am around me 

louis and zayn burst through the door making me and niall jump

"help" they yelled jumping over us and on the floor

harry stormed in and started yelling


istarted laughing

"this is no laughing matter they took my banana and i want it back" harry said

zayn and lou atarted laughing and harry jumped over on them they started wrestling. niall and i just watched.

harry finally got back his bananna and stuffed it in hs mouth.

lou and zayn stood up.

"ooooh food" lou said

they attacked the food we had left

"sure boys just eat all our food" niall said

"thank you"they said 

they got all the food and left

me and niall just looked at them

"but they just...."he said

"yeah i know babe"

"all of it gone" he said crying

"do you want me to bead them up" is aid hugging him

he nodded 

"ok be right back" i said getting upa nd running out hte room


ok so dont kill me for not uploading but here is another chapter.... a filler but its another chapter. 

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and vote comment fan please i have alot of reads and noone is voting o fanning 

well i g2g and checkout my other story please

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