chapter 6

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this is dedicated to ilovee1Dforlife for being the first person to comment thanks


“ash wake up, mom wants to know if your going with us today”taylor asked

“no”I mumbled

“why I want you to go. Please”she whined

“tomorrow, im doing something today”I said

“fine” she huffed

They left around 8 and I couldn’t go back to sleep

“thank you for waking me up taylor” I said

I decided to get up and shower. I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt, and threw my hair up into a ponytail. I brushed my teeth and walked down the street to get something to eat. I had no Idea where I was going I just walked until I came to a little café. I ordered my food and started walking to the hotel. I got about halfway when I saw a store where they have a ton of gags. I went inside and baught a bunch of silly strings and fake vomit and spiders and bugs. I got back to the hotel aroung 11 a started looking for  the Phineas and Ferb  shows on tv. Thank goodness for the tv guide or I would have never found it.

           -ff to when they get there-

I heard some knocking at the door.

“WHO IS IT” I yelled

“ITS…”they started


“NO” they chorused

“oh COME IN” I said

They walked in to the room.

“wheres Danielle” I asked

“shes practicing for the olympics” liam said

“oh yeah shes a cheerleader” I said

“yeah what time will we be finished” liam asked

“well theres only like 10 episodes on here so in like a few hours” I said

“she wants me to pick her up around 3. So I will be leaving early but ill be back” he said

“ok” I said

“WHERES THE FOOD” niall said

“well I haven’t ordered it yet but you can order it I have money here but If you order anything extra your paying for it”I said

“fine” he said

He walked over to the phone and started ordering food for us. zayn and Louis were on one bed liam and harry was on the floor. I went and sat on my bed. When niall got done he came and sat beside me.

“all finished” I asked

“yep’ he said popping the p

“lets do this poo” I said

we got halfway through the first episode when we heard a knock on the door

“room service” a girl said

“ill get it” I said

They didn’t even hear me they were to busy laughing at the show. I opened the door. Niall had orderd so much food. Pizza carrots sandwiched chips icecream everything.

“how much” I said

“150” she said

“WHAT im gonna kill him…NIALL” I said

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