Night Out

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I zoned out as I stared at the vibrant party thrashing on around me. I'd never expect such excitement from a couple of office workers, yet here we are. Sitting in a creaky bar stool was doing nothing good for my back, but I had no reason to stand up. No reason to celebrate. Plus, I was overdressed because of Jim. I sighed and spun towards the bartender,

"Can I get something? Literally the cheapest drink you have is fine-"

He smiled and wiped the inside of a shot glass with a rag,

"Do you have an I.D. on you kid?" I squinted at his words, as I was a little offended but soon enough my emotions were interrupted as a hand dropped onto my shoulder.

"She's not old enough to drink, she works with me,"

I cocked my head to face Jim, who was wearing a teasing smile. I glared at him, he knew I was old enough to drink, but the bartender would choose his word over mine.

I furrowed my eyebrows and shrugged his hand off my shoulder,

"What the hell Halpert?"

He stepped back and laughed,

"You okay?" he stared at me as if he was trying to look through my soul to find exactly what was wrong. I dropped my head to end the staring contest. A scoff escaped my mouth as I imagined his reaction.

"Oh Jim! I'm upset because I have a crush on you and you're a good man to your WIFE," I mocked myself in my head.

He stepped forward and grabbed my hand,

"If you really wanna get drunk, I'll get you drinks, but first you need to have a little fun kid!"

He pulled me towards the middle of the room where everyone was dancing, he wiggled side to side as the music played. I cracked a smile as he let out a giggle. I started to jump in rhythm to the beat as we continued to hold hands. I felt like a middle schooler at a stupid dance.

We leaned in and away from each other simultaneously, I laughed as Oscar and Kevin danced by, they began forming a dance line. He followed them and yanked me along, the music seemed to get louder.

"You havin' fun yet y/l/n?" he yelled with a wide smile on his face. I squeezed his hand and smiled back at him. Time slowed down as I watched Jim's face, the neon lights reflecting off of his skin, nothing more mattered in that moment.

More people joined the dance line as we jumped around the bar, voices jumbled together singing the lyrics to a song you could barely hear clearly. Jim pulled me away from the others and towards the back of the bar. I tilt my head at him in confusion,

"I wanna talk y/n/n" he smiled as he sat in a booth and motioned for me to sit as well.

I slid down across from him and looked around, nervously avoiding eye contact.

"I just wanted to tell you that I really.. care about you and-" he stopped as he glanced behind me. I turned around to see Pam staring from across the room. She disappeared as busy bodied party people danced through my vision.

"Hold on-" he rushed to stand and pushed through the crowd to find her. I dropped my head into my arms and laid against the table. The music started to fade as my thoughts got louder and louder. I wish I could relive those few minutes of dancing with him over and over again.

Luckily, a new distraction sat across from me. I peaked up at the other side of the table. It was the bartender, he had short, dirty blond hair and piercing green eyes. He slid a drink across the table,

"You look like you need this more than anyone that's ever come in here," He shot me a pity smile. I immediately threw my head back as I took a shot of whatever he gave me. It was gross.

𝖨𝗇𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾 | Jim Halpert x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now