Sense of Humor

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Its been a week since I started working at Dunder Mifflin and so far it's simply conflicting. Its chaotic and we never get any work done, but somehow we push through. Jim is the only person in the office that I'm comfortable with actually talking to. I beamed as he walked into the break room. I wished I could hide it.
"Hey new kid!"
"Hey! .. When're you gonna stop calling me that? I've officially been here a week.. I think I've earned first name basis... Mr. Jim. Halpert." I giggled and cringed internally at my own slap-happiness.
He smiled dorkily,
"okay, okay, maybe I do owe you a little newbie respect."
I smiled and rolled my eyes,
"come look at this meme," I smiled and held up my phone. An over exaggerated "bruh" sound effect played over and over. I waited for his snarky laugh of approval,
"That's it?" he raised an eyebrow and looked at me.
"What?! Yeah.. Its funny.."
He crossed his arms,
"I'm pretty sure it's... not!" he teased.
"What?!" I exclaimed again, shock clouding my thoughts.
"What are you .. ?! Oh no- Jim! .. Jim,Jim,Jim,Jim, Jim! You're not.. lame are you?!" I teased back. He scoffed,
"I just might be!"
"That or you're old.." I raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'm thirty-three.. I'm pretty.. not lame."
I stiffened as I heard his age,
"You're thirty-three?!"
He shut the fridge and sat across from me with eagerness.
"I know, I look great for my age!" he cocked.
I rolled my eyes, "I'm twenty-three.."
"Wow..." was all he manage to get out.
"wow..?" I questioned nervously.
"Im totally gonna tease you about that.." he trailed off before a grin built up on his face. I tried to hide a darkening in my cheeks. The break room door creaked open as Pam walked in, I watched as his eyes lit up.

𝖨𝗇𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾 | Jim Halpert x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now