The names (u)

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Omg I LOVE! These two video's they've made my poor little hart cry🥺 but omg he's SO cute!

(U) prospective

It's been a few weeks since iv joined the league and iv grown to be very good friends with toga we share a room seance were the only girls in the league and we love going out on killing sprees every Friday night some times dabi or twice will tag along if they think we're gonna get reckless and wined up getting cot it's been a lot of fun being here all the other villains I met weren't like these people these people are professionals professional killer's thay'v mastered the beautiful art of death it's been amazing meeting them meeting people like me who see the art in killing I think smiling then Suddenly the door opens to my and toga's room "what do you need kiurguri?" I ask looking up from the knife I was polishing "thair's a meeting and Shigaraki would like you thair" he tells me "ok I'll be out in a minute" i say and the door Closes I grab my knife and throw on a (shirt/hoodie/blows/jacket) over my under shirt I walk into the bar area to see everyone "so what's up?" I ask taking a seat by toga making her smile "in a few months we will be attacking the UA school agin in goal of capturing this boy" Shigaraki says holding up a picture of a blond spiky haired hie school student

It's been a few weeks since iv joined the league and iv grown to be very good friends with toga we share a room seance were the only girls in the league and we love going out on killing sprees every Friday night some times dabi or twice will tag a...

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"Seriously this kid?" I ask in disbelief "he's just some kid with a showy quirk" I argue "who's also one of the people on the top of the list for recruitment" Shigaraki says I sigh and he continues "the plan will be for toga to collect blood for future attacks twice (u) and dabi will set the campus on fire around the kids making a diversion and everyone els will be in the battlefield" he explains "WAIT! So I don't get to kill any one?" I question "if you come across some one you can kill em just don't kill the blond kid in the mean time everyone can do what thay want I relly don't care but we'll have some brake in's and Robberies till we conduct the attack does everyone understand?" Shigaraki ask's obviously not caring wether we do or not because pretty much the only thing everyone heard was 'kidnap blond hedgehog kill who ever gets in our way' "yep!" Me and toga smile "toga wanna go out and kill someone?" I ask smiling and the blond nod's her head up and down vigorously "k! Then let's-" "dabi go with them" Shigaraki says "why the hell should-" "thanks dabi!" I smile "tch... fine" he scoffs making me smile "come on toga let's go!" I smile and the three of us leave the bass

Dabi prospective

"So who do you wanna kill this time?" Toga ask's (nick name) with a smile as we continue to walk down the street "hmmm?" She hummus placing her pointer finger to her lips "oh I know! I heard thair's some trio of new hero's who teamed up thay just graduated last year I'v had my eye's set on them for a while" she smiles "so we're can we find em?" Toga ask's trying to contain her excitement "thair patrolling the out skirts of the city so thay should be pretty easy to find" (nick name) tells toga making her smile "come on let's go then!" She say jumping throwing her hands in the air I follow behind the two girls keeping an eye out for any hero's and one eye on the two girls who look like thay could care less that thair villains with million dollar bounty's on thair heads walking in hero crowded streets "hay toga what's your favorite music?" (Nick name) asks "hmm? Ooo I really like (music)" she smiles "what about you dabi?" (Nick name) asks looking at me "hmm? Well I like this one band call 'shut the fuck up your gonna get caught'" I say "oh! I haven't heard thair music maybe I'll listen to it some time but right now I'm really likeing one song called 'you look like a stalker following us'" she smirks turning back to face toga making her giggle "*sigh* why'd I agree to baby sitting these kids?" I ask my self

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