Dabi x hero reader |one shot| -not part of the story-

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second person prospective

(u) was the all too famous pro hero (hero name) every one knew about her she was known world round for her strength and determination but most of all a simple comment she had made during an interview on live TV the gun powder hero had said that she would never kill a villain no matter the circumstances this made people look at her differently than most hero's she wasn't defined by good or bad or white or black she was gray the in between that lost void hero's we're worried that she may be easily corrupted and convinced to join the villains because of her open mind set but the people saw this woman as an amazing hero while villains like the league saw her as an opportunity they'd tried once to get her to join the league it was the most strange encounter with a hero that Dabi had ever had

the encounter
Dabi prospective

After following (hero name) for about an hour she finally gets to a less crowded part of the city to take her brake as she sits down at one of the bentches in the park a little kid runs up to her asking for an autograph (hero name) gives the kid a smile and ruffles the child's hair signing her name and a short message onto the page the small kid handed her before handing it back and he skips back over to his mom who waves and the both of them exit the park leaving just me toga and (hero name) "theres no way the goodie two shoes is gonna agree to join toga let's go back" I say but toga ignores me walking out of the shadows towards (hero name) I grown and follow "decided to show your selves? perfect timing I'm having lunch care to join me?" (Hero name) ask's looking back at me and toga with a smile surprising me 'she realized we were trailing her? And she didn't call for back up???' "thanks for not trying to scare the kid away or stir up any trouble for me ether" she adds "hay! You seem cool! Ever thought about join the league?" Toga ask's happily jumping up and down "I guess iv given some thought to it before" (hero name) shrugs and i cock my brow "really? You interested then?" I question "not really no but you two seem nice enough hope I'll see you around" (u) waves getting off of the park bench starting to walk away turning her back to me and toga "you arnt gonna try to arrest us?" I question and (u) stops walking away "why would i? I have no reason" (u) says before counting to walk back to her patrol

Second person prospective

After that the league didn't pursue (u) or try to convince her to join the group they turned there attention to the U.A kids but Dabi wanted to know more about this mysterious solo working pro he'd follow her around sometimes when she was on patrol or just casually "bump into her" on the streets he didn't think (u) would notice that he was doing this on purpose but she did it was fun to her some excitement in the boring life of a hero she never did tell anyone about her run in's with the wanted villain and Dabi never told any one about there meetings ether it was there little secret when ever the pair were forced to fight each other nether would use there full strength or hurt the other (u) would even cover up dabi's tracks so the other hero's wouldn't be able to go after him while he made his escape with the rest of the league Dabi didn't understand why the 3rd ranking hero was helping him but over time even if they couldn't see each other every day and even if when they did see each other they would have to fight they both had mutual feelings for each other tho nether would admit to it. there little fights eventually became a game Dabi would never kill any one who was on (u)'s patrol root because that would damage her reputation but he may set something on fire to attract her attention every time (u) saw that infamous blue flame she couldn't help but smile and race over to see Dabi and spar they'd both have fun fighting each other but both were very carful not to hurt the other dabi's little pop in's became more and more common the media caught on to this and grew suspicious that (u) or Dabi were never harmed during any of these fights (u) really didn't care what the media thought she loved being able to see Dabi but it grew more clear that they wouldn't be able to do this much longer instead both (u) and Dabi started seeing each other in secret

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