the attack

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The next day
Dabi prospective

"So what's this about? You all called us here pretty early in the morning" (u) yawns seeing that me her toga twice Kugiri Shigaraki and some other villains have gathered at the bar "yeah what's this about man?! I could care less!" Twice says shrugging and giving a thumbs up "the UA kids training camp is coming up soon in fact we'll be attacking today" Kugiri says "so does everyone understand the plan? Because if one of you mess up I swear you'd better expect that at the least you'll get a nasty mouthful" Shigaraki warns with a glare and everyone nods there heads "good then get going" Shigaraki says and Kugiri makes us a portal to warp threw

Time skip the villains have gathered at the camp
(u) prospective

"I do not like this it's so not cute!" Toga complains while messing with the mask she's wearing "they were engineered for the black market from what I hear you should be worried that they work not that they look pretty" the gass Villan tells toga while the rest of us stand on the cliff looking over the camp grounds where the UA kids are "ugh I'm just saying they could be a little more stylish is that too much to ask?" Toga questions pumping her arms up and down trying to contain her hyperness "hi darlings! Sorry to keep you waiting" another villan greets walking threw the portal along with two other villains "that makes 8 of us" Dabi concludes as me and him stand at the very eadge of the clif "I don't care just let me lose I'm too pumped up to stand by" one of the more bulky of the villains that are with us say "shut your mouth you crazy bastard we wait we're still expecting three more people to join our little party the league of villains made a mistake going after the kids with a bunch of random thugs at the USJ better to use a small group of elites" Dabi says "first thing we have to do is take away there sence of peace and show the brats that there lives rest in our hands" I smile just thinking about the blood and then the three other people who are supposed to be arriving walk threw the portal "perfect we're all here" I say

Dabi prospective

Once everyone gathers up Kugiri teleports us to our positions me (u) and twice in the forest while everyone els is doing there own thing "I can set everything on fire right!?" (u) ask's smiling wildly "every thing as far as the eye can see" I nod and (u) starts setting things on fire while I do the same and twice stays back so he doesn't get caught up in the flame "and now it begins" I say surrounded by flames and after only a few minutes the hole forest is a blaze and spreading rapidly "time for step two?" twice ask's "yep" (u) nods and twice makes me a clone "alrigt time to see what eraser head is made of" I say having my clone walk over to the building we're standing maybe a hundred feet away from that eraser head and some of the kids are at

(u) prospective

I watch dabi's clone as he confronts eraser head and I have to admit it's really odd seeing two of him "look's like your concern has you distracted eraser" dabi's clone says blasting eraser head with a huge burst of blue flames "you pro's oughta lay off we haven't come here for any of you so just stay out of our way" Dabi says but eraser head jumps over the flame dodging it completely "nice move guess you really are a pro" Dabi says aiming his hand at eraser head to blast him agin "not so fast" eraser head says using his quirk canceling dabi's and he uses his restraint ropes to wrap around Dabi keeping him from moving as he knee's Dabi in the face probably braking his nose before shoving his face in the dirt 'I feel sick' I think as I watch "what do you want and we're are your friends hiding?" eraser head ask's "my what?" Dabi questions playing dumb "your right arm's next be logical about this at least save your legs it would be a real pain to have to carry you off to jail with out them" eraser head says as he has Dabi pined "you can take your time eraser head" Dabi says tells eraser head who brakes dabi's right arm i feel my stomach tying in nots hearing the snap of dabi's bones and I want to puke so I turn around not able to watch the rest of the fight I try to make a distraction to give Dabi an opening so I create a the most masive explosion of flames that I possibly can "hay! Watch it!" Twice says trying not to get burned "that's exactly the performance I'd expect out of a UA teacher tell me hero you worried for your students?" I hear Dabi ask as i Continue to look away from the fight "twice make it stop" I say "huh???" Twice question's "your quirk cancel it!" I demand and twice complies "I wonder if you can save them in the end see you soon" Dabi says getting in the last word before his clone melts

dabi prospective

"Come on Dabi! You got your ass handed to you by a magic scarf!" Twice says "yeah how weak that went down pretty fast huh?" I sigh "hay don't say that better to frame the pro as being too strong it's Important to mind your self esteem even on a perilous mission" twice says and I notice (u) hasn't said a word this hole time or looked me in the eye "what ever twice just make another one of me we need to keep those pro's occupied" I say "No! Make a clone of me it's my turn" (u) argues finally looking at me "right! Another (u) comin right up! Leave it to me!" Twice says flipping (u) off and giving her a thumbs up but then our radios come on "iv acquired our target our little show has officially come to a close meet me at the Rendezvous point in the next 5 minutes for the final blow" the villan compress says over the walky talkies "hay Dabi! (u)! Did you hear the radio? I'm so pumped our boy compress totally got the job done! The man certainly took his time I was starting to get bored" twice says "don't be a pain he did a good job now we have to wait for everyone to regroup here" I say "your the pain! Forgive me" twice says but I can't help but worry about (u) she hasn't said a word this hole time she's kept her gaze on the ground and her face is so pale she look's like she's about to pass out "it's odd this place was supposed to be hard to find because of the wall of flames and poisonous gas but looks like the gas is gone things never go according to plan do they (u)?" I ask but she doesn't respond instead twice speaks up agin "for real" twice nods

Time skip
(u) prospective

After a bit of waiting toga finally shows up at the Rendezvous point "huh? How lame I'm the only one here?" Toga questions looking around "hay crazy did you get the blood? How many different kinds?" Dabi ask's "one persons!!" Toga grins "just one!? Hay what gives weren't you supposed to get at least three?" Twice ask's as toga walks up to us but as her and twice are talking imagines of Dabi getting severely hurt or killed keep popping up into my head just making that sick feeling in my stomach even wores 'If Dabi couldn't beat eraser head then what chance would I have? If I was there would I have been able to save him? What if-' suddenly I'm snapped out of my thoughts when some forcefully yanks my towards them "whoa whoa what's This?! Oh hay wait I know these kids! Who are they?" Twice says seeing that mr.compress has just arived with a few kids in tow "keep your head in the game (u) you almost became a pancake" Dabi scolds before aiming his hand at the kids "out of the way compress" Dabi says "got it" compress nods jumping out of the way as Dabi throws a flame at the three kids who have decided to join us

Dabi prospective

After the first punches are thrown everything goes haywire as toga and twice have a free for all attacking the the kids but surprisingly (u) doesnt join in on the fun she stays back with me and compress 'I can't worry about her right now I have to focus' I think walking to compress "you got Bocogo?" I ask "of cores" mr. compress nods digging threw his pocket "huh?" Mr.compress questions becoming frantic 'dame He's lost the kid' I think and I turn my attention to the kid with tentacles who's holding up two of mr. compress's marbles "moron" I say aiming my hand at him as he and his friends take off

(u) prospective

suddenly one of Kugiri's portals apear infront of me Dabi and mr.compress "hold on we're not leaving with out the kid" Dabi says "don't worry they were so proud of themselves for rooting threw my pockets that I thought I'd let them gloat but allow me to explain a basic tenant of magic if I'm flaunting somthing shiny it's because there's something els I don't want you to see" mr compress says revaluing two marbles containing Bocogo and another kid the students eye's widen and they Imediately start to run towards us in hopes of getting there friends back but then as me Dabi and mr.compress are walking threw the portal a laser shoots towards mr.compress making him drop the marbles containing the kids Dabi quickly reaches for the one counting Bocogo and grabs it before his brother can "well isn't that a tragedy poor little shoto todoroki" Dabi says And then mr.compress reverts the marble back into Bocogo and Dabi restrains him "check mate" Dabi says as we disappear into the portal

Sorry if this was really sloppy I was kinda rushing I may go threw and fix some things later

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