The beach!!!

570 15 19

(U) prospective

"Well toga you can mark one thing off the bucket list" I chuckle seeing everyone stairing at me and dabi with knowing smiles "so your a cuple now!?!" Toga squeals fangirling and her and twice both start to skip around the bar while kugiri smiles polishing a glass and Shigaraki nods in approval "yeah so she's off limits got it?" Dabi says and I laugh taking a seat at the bar "well you Hurd him I'm off limits" I giggle as kugiri hands me a glass of alcohol "I have an idea!!!" Toga smiles as dabi sits down next to me on one of the bar stool's "what?" I question titling my head and she clasps my hands "let's go to the beach!!!" Toga grins jumping up and down "now?" I ask "of cores now!! Come one let's pack!!!" Toga says dragging me out of the bar and to my room "h-hay I don't even have anything to wear!!" I exclaim as she riffles threw my cloths "oh right ok then you can barrow one of my swim suits!!" Toga says and before I can argue she runs to her room and comes back with a bikini

"Well toga you can mark one thing off the bucket list" I chuckle seeing everyone stairing at me and dabi with knowing smiles "so your a cuple now!?!" Toga squeals fangirling and her and twice both start to skip around the bar while kugiri smiles p...

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"T-toga there's no way I'm wearing that" I say shaking my head and waving my hands infront of my face "awww! C'mon! It'd look so good on you! And dabi would love it~" toga teases and my cheeks flush "I won't wear it sorry toga and on second thought I may have somthing I can wear" I say looking threw my clothes trying to find my swim outfit "ah! Here it is!"

Dabi prospective

"I don't like the idea of going to the beach..." I grown "oh c'mon you know you wanna see (u) in a bikini~" twice teasing and I glare "I'm pretty sure you'll be surprised by what she's gonna wear" I say as toga walks into the bar disappointed "what? We're you let down that badly?" I chuckle "she's wearing a freaking wet suit..." toga grumbles and I burst out laughing "seriously!? Haha! That's awesome!" I laugh and everyone glares at me "what?" I question "you can't tell us that you don't want to see her in a bathing suit" kugiri says "maybe I'm not as much of a pervert as you think I am" I shrug "bullshit!" Twice shouts "well hay guy's it's not very comforting knowing your all talking about me wearing a bikini behind my back so get of your asses and go pack a bag for the trip or me and toga'll go with out you all" (u) says entering the bar resting her hands on her hips scowling and everyone nods going to there rooms to pack some things but i stay seated and (u) joins me at the bar "so you not coming then?" (u) ask's pouring her self a shot "I'll probably be coming" I shrug "you don't like the beach or somthing?" (u) questions "I don't hate it but I don't love it eather what about you? You like the water?" I ask and (u) shrugs "I don't know iv never been to the beach before this'll be my first time" (u) says "well I'm sure toga will force you ta do everything she can possibly cram into one day and- wait you know how to swim right?" I ask and (u) karate chops my head "owch..." I say rubbing my head "I'm not that useless" (u) pouts crossing her arms "did I ever say you were useless?" I question as toga and everyone els walk up to us with arms full of things "what are you guy's packing for? A year long vacation?" (u) ask's with a raised brow "I found a place to stay near the water so we'll be staying the night" kugiri says "wow that's cool!" (u) says surprised "yeah so pack some things we'll meet you guy's outside" kugiri says

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