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(U) prospective
The same day

"(u)! (u)! (u)! Wake up! wake upppppp!!!" I hear toga squeal and I grown opening my eye's just to be face to face with a black cat that has beautiful turquoise eye's "u-umm toga what-" "dabi got turned into a cat!!!" Toga giggles and my eye's widen "dabi!! Is that you!? Oh my god what happened? Dabi meow once if you can understand me!" I say shaking the cat "meow now what are you going on about?" I hear dabi ask from behind me "t-toga I think I'm hearing things" I say "idiot I'm right here" I hear dabi say and someone karate chops my head "owch" I huff turning around to see dabi "what? Huh? But?" I look at the cat then back at dabi and then the cat agin "how?" I question "surprise! I found him hanging out around the base and having a pet was on your bucket list! Your welcome!" Toga grins "umm.... what do I do with it?" I ask looking at the cat lying on my lap "throw it back outside we're the thing belongs doll face" dabi says taking the cat from me "hayyyyy! Give em back! I can't just throw him awayyyy!!" I argue taking the cat back protectively holding it "why not? It's better off out there any way miss Staby over here'll probably kill it eventually" dabi says "toga you won't kill fluffy right?" I ask toga and she smiles shaking her head no "you.... named it?" Dabi questions and I nod "that's right and I'm keeping it!" I say stubbornly and dabi sighs "fine but it's not my fault if that thing gets killed I warned you" dabi growns and I shrug walking up to kugiri "hay kugiri do you know where i can find some stuff for this little guy?" I ask holding fluffy up so kugiri can see him "aww what a cute little thing" Kugiri says and the cat jumps into the bar table sitting on the end looking at me and kugiri "well if your looking for food and such your best bet is the pet store down town" kugiri tells me "ok thanks kugiri!" I grin and turn around looking around the base 'sphyco staby teen, five fingers of death, split personality, intolerant flame....' I think looking at each of the members

Dabi prospective

"kugiri can you watch over fluffy for me?" (u) ask's turning back around holding fluffy up to him "umm I have somewhere to be later so I can't I'm sorry (u)" kugiri apologizes "don't worry about it I'll just have-.... umm.... Shigaraki watch him" (u) says "don't even think about it" Shigaraki says and (u) turns to toga "sorry I have a killing date today" toga says "twice?!" (u) pleads "u-uh I have to run!/ No I don't I just don't want to" twice says making a brake for it revealing me standing behind him "dabi?" (u) ask's holding the cat in my face "no" I refuse looking away from the cat and (u) "oh come on it won't be that bad I promise! Please dabi!!" (u) begs and I sigh "if you take to long the cats gonna end up back in the ally way where it belongs" I sigh taking the cat and (u) smiles "thanks dabi! I won't be long! Hurt it and I hurt you!" (u) grins skipping out of the bar "she can be scary..." toga says and I nod "here it's your problem now" I say shoving the cat to toga "nope! Sorry I gotta go dabi! Have fun thow!" Toga giggles "hay! You Little- get back here! Your the reson in looking after this fur ball! Togaaaaa!!! You'll pay for this!!!" I shout but she's already disappeared along with everyone but kugiri "(u)'ll probably having a lot to say if she comes back and doesn't find that thing" Kugiri says before walking away and I grown putting the cat down and i flop onto the couch but the cat jumps up onto my lap and I glare "what do you want?" I ask pushing the cat off of me but it jumps back on me "get off stupid cat I'm not your chair! fetch" I say throwing a pen and that cat just stairs up at me before rubbing its self aginst my leg "you don't know how much I want to kick your little feline butt right now go play or something" I say trying to shoe the cat away but it keeps coming back "for God's sake!! WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!"

(U) prospective

I pull up my hood as I walk out of an ally way and continue down the street looking around for a pet store and after a while of looking I stumble across a small feed store and I look inside threw the display window before I walk inside "hello! Can I help you with any thing?" I woman ask's walking up to me and I nod "yeah I'm looking for some supplies for cats" I say and the lady nods "there's some cat food right around the corner" she says poiting to a shelf and I thank her before I grab a small bag of "organic kitten feed"

Dabi prospective

"I told you to scram fo play with someone els just leave me alonnnnnnne!" I whine but the cat sits on my lap I'm tempted to punch it off but I have a feeling if I do (u)'s some how gonna find out and she'll kick my ass "get off" I say poking the cat but it makes a weird vibrating sound "I done like you I'd appreciate it if you'd walk out the door and get run over by a car" I say but the cat doesn't take a hint "Kugiri you'v gotta help me! This thing won't get off me!" I say as kugiri walk behind the bar table "just pet the cat it may like you" Kugiri says polishing a glass "I don't want it to like me!! I want it to get the hell off me!!" I shout "*sigh* here" Kugiri says handing me a bag with- "what is it?" I ask looking at the small bag "it's cat nip just sprinkle some on the floor" Kugiri says "huh? Why?" I question "cats really like that stuff they'll go crazy for it" Kugiri says "oh!!" I say getting an idea and I open the bag the cats ears perk up and it gets off me "fetch" I say closing the bag back up and I throw the bag the cat immediately jumps off of me running after the bag "now just stay over there and we'll get along" I say as the cat rips the bag to pieces suprising me "Kugiri you have any more of that stuff?" I ask "I do" Kugiri says tossing me an identical bag of the cat nip after about 10 minutes the cat becomes bored coming back over to me "now.... attack!" I say tossing the bag at twice as he walks into the bar "What was that for dabi?! What? Oh! Awwwww! hi kitt- hay! Wait! No! Stoppppp! Have mercy!!!!!" twice screams "haha! I don't think the cats that bad after all!" I chuckle watching twice get malled by a cat

Mean while (u) prospective

"Thanks" I thank the cashier after Paying for the cat food with some forged money "now to see if fluffy's still breathing" I say to my self as I make my way back to the base "I'm back! Where's fluffy?" I ask as I enter the bar and to my delight I see dabi petting fluffy "awww! You two are so cute!!!!!" I squeal and dabi's cheeks turn a light pink before he takes his hand away "cute is not a word that should be used to describe me" dabi huffs "it shouldn't be used to describe that monster eather!!!" Twice shouts and I gasp "what happened!? You look like you were just malled!" I say seeing all the scratches twice has "i was malled!!! It was them!!" Twice shouts pouting to fluffy who's sitting on dabi's lap licking her paw "you can't be serious I mean look how adorable! Fluffy couldn't harm a fly!" I argue and twice grumbles walking to his room "who's the cutes thing in the world?~" I ask in a baby voice petting fluffy "me" dabi says and I laugh "ok fine who's the cutest feline in the world?" I ask fluffy and he pur's nuzzling his head aginst my hand "hay (u) what's that in your pocket?" Dabi ask's me "nothing!" I say and dabi raises a brow suspiciously "really?" Dabi questions "y-yeah" I nod and dabi swipes the paper from my pocket "no! Give it!" I shriek trying to take the paper from dabi "(u) you have to give the cat back" dabi says after reading the missing cat poster I found near the base "but dabiiiiiiii!" I whine "put it back where it belongs" dabi says handing me the cat and I sigh "but?..... fine" I say standing up

Dabi prospective

(U) gets up and walks out of the base and I follow her with out her knowing and just like I expected (u) puts the cat in a trash can outside her window "stay here fluffy I'll come back for you" (u) says "(u) say good bye to the cat" I say making (u) jump "o-oh I did t relize you were there I was just um-" "come on we're retiring the cat" I say picking up the black ball of fluff and (u) sighs as I look over the poster of the missing cat to find the address "let's go" I say and me and (u) start to walk to the naborhood where the cat is from and when we get to the entrance of an ally way we hear shouting "shadow! Shadow come on! Come home! shadow! Comere boy!" A little kid shouts and I look at (u) "hay you don't know he may be calling for his dog" (u) argues I I hold the poster in the face "it says his name is shadow (u) drop the cat" I say and (u) sighs "bye little guy see ya on the flip side" (u) says putting the cat down and it scampers out of the ally way "let's go back" (u) says sadly turning around ready to leave but I grab the back of her shirt "look" I say and (u) turns to see fluffy jump into the little kids arms "shadow! I miss you boy! Come on let's go home don't scare me like that agin!" The little kid says picking the small cat up and fluffy nuzzles his head aginst the boy's "you did good now c'mon time to go back" I tell (u) and she nods feeling happy with her self

(U) prospective

me and dabi walk into the base and kugiri tits his head apon our entry "where's fluffy? Dabi! what'd you do?" Kugiri ask's "dabi didn't do anything the cat wasn't mine so we returned him" I explain "aww that's too bad the little guy grew on me" Kugiri says "I DONT CARE ABOUT IT THE LITTLE SHIT ATTACKED ME!!!" Twice shouts "SAY THAT TO MY FACE!!!" I yell and twice shuts up "that's what I thought"

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