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I was nervous at first, when I followed Vance in his house. Afraid his parents would hate me or something upon sight. But when we walked in the front door, a peppy voice that almost reminded me of Mindy's called out, "Vance, honey, are you home? I've got cookies in the oven."

I like his family already. :p

"Yeah, mom, uh, my friend Xander is here, if that's okay. I asked him to come over," Vance replied.

His mother walked around the corner, looking me up and down, but not acknowledging me, which sort of made me feel bad, unwanted. But I didn't say anything to her. Bad first impressions are already a habit for me. Well, forming them, I guess.

"You didn't tell me you were having anyone over, though."

"Mom, I'm almost eighteen, and I didn't even think about it till last minute." Vance looked over at me for a moment. Then he continued. "Anyways, I'm not taking him home. We'll be in my room." His mom blinked a few times before walking back to the kitchen.

"Sorry about that..." Vance mumbled, touching my hand. I blushed.

"It's okay, I know it's probably obvious that I'm-"

"Yeah, I guess so." He finished before I could say the 'G word.' Well, damn. "Sorry, I just don't like how she treats people." We went upstairs to his room, and he shut the door. "I really hope she didn't make you feel uncomfortable or anything."

I wrapped my arms around my torso, as if to hold myself. "It's fine. She didn't."

He didn't question me, just sat down on his bed. "So um, I don't know what to do, cause I don't know what all you're really into."

I shrugged, leaning back against the wall by the door. "I don't really do anything. I live, breathe, you know, do normal stuff."

Vance glanced at my jacket sleeves. "You don't seem like it at school, all alone."

I don't need friends, I don't know why he's bringing that up. I have Tori. She's enough. You really only need one or two friends. That's all I need is her.

"I get by," was all I could say.

Vance shrugged. "You don't have to just stand there. Sit down." He gestured towards the spot next to him on his bed.

It took me a moment to realize that he wanted me to sit next to him. As in closeness, something I'd only experienced with Zack.

Hopefully Zack doesn't hate me..

I finally got the courage to join Vance on his bed, but I didn't stay too close. I just awkwardly sat there, looking uncomfortable as fuck. You know, that's always good.

"S-sorry, I'm kinda weird." I stuttered.

Vance put a hand on my leg. "Hey. I knew that when we met. I'm okay with it."

I blushed.

"Don't be so scared."

I bit my lip. "Harder than you think."

"So am I." He chuckled.

"W-w-what?" I was probably cherry red at that point, and I'm surprised I didn't fall over and die or something.

"It's a joke. Relax." He smiled, his hand moving from my leg, to around my side, as he pulled me closer.

"Um, Vance?"

"Yeah?" He smiled.

"This is a little weird for me."

"Why's it weird?" He asked me, letting me move a little bit further away.

El-Oh-Vee-Ee (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now