Perfect: Part II

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        (Another pic of Xander c;)

I went home, not expecting much different than normal. I basically hauled ass, wanting to avoid Vance, so I got home quicker than normal. 

Ya know, except I couldn't breathe by the time I opened my front door. I'm not all that athletic and I sped walked home. Cut me some slack.

Zack jumped up off of the couch by the door. "You all right?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to get home. You know, to see you." Jesus Christ, this panting is inappropriate, calm down or you'll sound like you're begging for an ass-pounding!

Sadly, I could see a bully saying something like that to me. Vance would, undoubtedly, even if he is, supposedly 'gay.' 

"Xander, you look like you tried to run the mile again." He teased. "Remember, in fifth grade-" I cut him off.

"Shut up. I know. I passed out after barfing on the gym teacher's shoes. They were old as balls anyway." I laughed, catching my breath and walking into the kitchen to grab a soda. As soon as I cracked it open, I felt Zack's warm, but thin arms as they slipped around my waist. It actually startled me, causing me to bump against the counter and nearly spill my soda. And if I would have spilled it... We'd have a problem. "C-can I help you?"

 Zack nibbled my ear and sniffed my hair. "Nope. I'm alright."

Right now, I'd rather be breathless, cause I know stuttering is more difficult when you can't breathe. "Z-Zack, I'm g-gonna spill my soda." Dumbass, what were you thinking?! You know he'll say just to set it down!

Well, I was partially right. He took it, sipped it slowly, running his tongue around the opening, and set it down by the sink. "You'll live." 

"Z-Zack.." He pressed a finger to my lips. 

Dude, if he doesn't stop, I'm gonna end up exploding in my favorite jeans. ;-; I can't explain a white stain in black jeans to Mindy. I haven't before, and I don't plan to now. I don't plan on learning how to do my own laundry either. 

"Why so nervous, X? You know me." That stupid grin, sexy like you'd see on tv, it was spread across his face. Perfect cheekbones, sharp jaw. Small, but full lips. Pearly teeth. This boy was driving me crazy, and I was going to go off the deep end before too long. Ya know, just ripping my jeans. 


"Zack, w-why are you doing this?" 

He just chuckled, kissing me gently. "I just like messing with you. Besides, you left me here all damn day, I had to punish you." 

 I blushed. "You know, one of these days I'll get back at you for that."

 Zack rolled his eyes. "Please. You can't do shit." 

I bit my lip, looking down. "Yeah, I know."

"Hey, you'll do it one day." Zack tilted my chin up. 

Honestly, we both know that wouldn't happen. I'm scared to talk, really, without screwing up. Mindy, I can handle, because she's my guardian. Tori, because she's a girl. .-. And honestly she thinks like I do, half the time. Guys, though... Yeah, no. 

I avoided eye contact. "Yeah, totally. And Marceline the Vampire Queen will finally be with the Bubblegum Princess, right?"

Zack glared at me. "This isn't the time for lesbian cartoonism, Xander. That might be gay too. But America sucks and hates us. Look, I don't know if you're just scared, or maybe you're still shy like you were. But hey. You can't be afraid with me. We're family. Maybe not completely. But we are. And well, lord knows I ain't perfect. God, I'm sounding like my mom. Using 'lord' and 'ain't,' two words I hate. You don't have to try to impress me." 

I looked into his blue eyes. Finally I understood what my art teacher meant last year (my only year of art, because that teacher pissed me off) when he said that you can see little spectrums, little shapes, of colors in someone's eyes. Mine, you wouldn't see much in, since they're nearly as black as my hair. Zack's, you can see every color of the rainbow in. It's honestly a beautiful thing. "I-it's hard." That's all I could muster. Dumbass.

"What is?" He looked like he wanted to make a joke out of this, but he didn't. Smart boy, or I'd have to smack him. 


 Zack sighed. "To me?" I nodded.

"Yeah.. I-I know you're family or whatever, but it's still difficult. It's difficult with anyone but Mindy or Tori." I didn't say it, but I realized it was easy to talk to- Or yell at- Vance Knight. He's the only guy I can keep a strong tone of voice with, even though I seriously want to rip his face off sometimes. Destroy what everyone says is so perfect, so innocent. His little mask. Sometimes perfection needs to be destroyed. "It's stupid, I'm a guy, I should be able to talk to guys.." 

"Hey, hey, look." He could tell I was getting frustrated. "We all have things we need to work on. It isn't your fault."

"Stop pitying me!" I blurted out.        

"What are you talking about?" He said, confused, hurt. "Xander, I-I wanna be there for you. I want to be... I want to be yours. Your reason to breathe, to live, to wake up in the morning. I see in your eyes how hurt you are, how afraid you are. You might not think I understand, but I actually fucking do. But you know what, if you think it's pity, fine. I'll call my mom back, have my brother come get me. You won't have to feel pity anymore." He turned and walked away, into the guest room, slamming the door shut.

I wanted to stop him, but my legs felt like jello. I couldn't move. All I could do was mutter his name, knowing he wasn't going to listen, anyway.



He eventually came out of his room, when Mindy came home with pizza. His eyelids were swollen and pink, from crying, even though there weren't any tears on his face in that moment. Probably when he stormed off. I didn't say anything to him, which I guess made Mindy a little suspicious. "Alright, what the hell? You guys are always talking." 

I shrugged my shoulders, looking over at Zack, trying to use my eyes as an apology. He shook his head. "I'm just tired, ma'am." 

Mindy looked at me. "Your turn."

I stared down at the floor. "I just had a bad day at school." Hey, that's not technically a lie. I did have a pretty bad day. But Mindy knows I use that as an excuse for almost everything that bothers me. In the summer I have to get hella creative, for that reason. "People were being stupid in class again."

She didn't buy it, but didn't say anything about it. "Anyways, I brought you guys a pizza home because I'm tired and I plan to do absolutely nothing in the kitchen tonight. She opened the box, snatched a slice, and kicked her shoes off before going into the living room. I just stared at the pizza for a moment before just walking away from it. Silence. 

It got Zack talking, though. 

"Hey, you gonna eat?" 

I turned around, shrugging. "Maybe."

Zack tossed a pizza crust in the trash can, walking towards me. He waited to see if Mindy were within earshot or not before saying, "This isn't about earlier, is it?" 

I shoved my hands in my pockets. "Doesn't matter. Maybe I'm just not hungry." 

Zack's eyes pierced mine. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have tried to force a bunch of positive shit on you. That's what got me to stop isolating myself after I came out six months ago. I went to counseling, which I know, isn't for everyone. Positivity was shoved down my throat. And I mean I'm still here, I guess. I get stupid sometimes, you know?"

I nodded, but didn't say anything. He went on.

"You don't have to listen to me. I just want you to know how much you mean to me." He kissed my forehead, being taller than me, and walked away. 

 But for some reason, he still felt just as close.


El-Oh-Vee-Ee (BoyxBoy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu