Shadow Traveling

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When I feel myself shimmer back into solid for I open my eyes. I look around. "Yes!" I yelled. I did it. I'm in my room. I know out of all the places why my room? Well I need to pack some clothes because I am not going to stay in these clothes!

"Uh where are we?" asked Will. He was looking around my small messy room. I then remembered that my dad should be home and I go and slowly quietly close my room door.

"This is my room. I just need to pack a few things. Sorry it's messy and please stay quiet I don't want my dad to hear." I whisper.

"Cupcake why don't you want your dad to hear?" he looked like he was taking it to heart. He must feel like that because he is also a father.

"I just don't, okay?" I said a little too harsh. "Sorry. Let me just grab a few things and we'll get out of here." I grabbed my blue jansport backpack and shove clothes, my toothbrush, lotion and a brush. Then turned back. "Ready." I say. "Where to next?"

"We have to shadow travel a few times before we make it back to Camp Half-blood," replied Nico.

"We are going to travel a normal way on some parts because you can't shadow travel the whole way. You can fade into the shadows." said Will. It sounded like an order but I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Hey I can help. I did just prove that I can indeed shadow travel." I say smiling.

Nico POV

I look at my half sister. She looks genuinely happy. I wonder how long that would last. Hades, my dad, just broke the oath she'll go through hardships. Being the child of Hades we could turn cold and dark. Yet she looks so happy.

"Okay we can decide this later but right now we have to leave before my dad realizes that there are people in here." says Naomi. She looks worried. Why doesn't she want her dad to know that we're in here? Did they have a fight? Maybe it's because we are guys in a girls room? No. She looks fearful for a different reason, but what?

"Naomi's right. Let's get out of here." it was J. He has been acting a little different sense we picked up Naomi. Almost nervous. Which I don't understand. Girls always fall for him and he always acts casual and totally oblivious to it, but this time he seems nervous around her.

"Okay let's try Utah for the first jump. Okay, Naomi?" I look over at her and she nods. I grab Will's hand when I touch his hand I feel an electric spark pass between us, we've been dating for a week now. After the three days of bed rest he ordered me to take I found out that he liked me. Me of all people! Actually the way I found out was him kissing me.

"Okay, um, we should get going." said Naomi pulling me out of my thoughts. In between us was couch hedge and on the other side of Naomi was J. It looked like they were both blushing. Before I can decide whether it was blushing or not Naomi steps forward which I follow. We step into the shadows.

Naomi POV

We land somewhere in Utah, hopefully. I felt light headed. I felt like I might collapse. My energy was drained and before I fell someone caught me. It was Will. He slowly set me down and as soon as I got on the floor I fell into a deep sleep.


"Is she okay?" it sounded more like I was demanding them to tell me she was. It didn't sound like a question.

"Yeah she's okay. I remember my first shadow travel. I'm surprised how much she was able to do in one day."

"Yeah she's like you then. Doesn't know her limits." said Will with a slight smile. He was now in his doctor mode. "She'll be as good as new once she wakes up."

"When will that be?" grumbled Coach Hedge. He already set up camp. Prepared to stay the night.

"Hard to tell." replied Will thinking. Then turns to Nico. "You should get some sleep too." Nico was already curled up sleeping. Will smiled. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Nico. I did the same with Naomi.

~~~time lapse~~~

Naomi POV

I wake up to a burning fire. I look around and see the guys surrounding a fire. So it wasn't a dream. I thought. I feel much better now then I did the other day before passing out. The guys hadn't noticed me waking so I quietly got up and walked over to them.

"Hey." I say groggily. All but Nico jump.

"Holy Hades kid don't sneak up on us." said Hedge. I smile and sit next to Nico.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to frighten you." I reply. He just huffs. "How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Just a day and a half." replied Will. "How you feeling?"

"Like I can run a marathon," I reply smiling. Then grab some food and start eating.

~~~time lapse~~~

We are currently in Ohio. I spent most of this travel either shadow jumping or sleeping. I'll eat something small then we will shadow travel to the next state. There were monster attacks of course and after the monster was dealt with I'd pass out again. This time we are in Ohio and made camp by the lake. I slept for about an hour, so I was told, and couldn't sleep anymore. I had a dream.

It started off as me standing in a dark room. "Hello?" I called out. Then a man dressed in a suit designed with tortured souls appeared.

"Hello, Naomi." he said. I knew this must be Hades. I suddenly felt angry. He was never there. He left my mom in the care of- of the man that raised me! My mom deserved better! A lot better than the man she got stuck with! I guess my anger showed. "I know you must be angry with me young one. But trust me I did not leave you unprotected."

"You left me out there in the real world! What if a monster had found me?!"

"No. I put an protection on you and your mother. The towns you lived in they were all for a reason." he said. "I know I may not be the father you would want. And especially not now."

"What do you mean?"

"You are going to go through hardships. Life will be difficult-"

"Life is always difficult." I say rolling my eyes.

"I do not have much time. Yes I know life is always difficult but for you, my dear, things won't be easy. You have to push through whatever my brothers may throw at you. I fear you will slip. Do not give up on your hope. I have something for you." He pulls out a rock and gives it to me.

"Uh thanks?" I say very confused. He smirks.

"Twist it my dear." I do as I'm told and twist it right in the middle and it turns into a double sided spear. It looked like it can be unattached right in the middle. "You new weapon. Use it wisely." and with that he disappeared and I woke up. I reach down into my pocket and there was the rock he gave me in my dream. Freaky I thought.

I am now sitting by the lake with a blanket wrapped around me staring at the stars and moon. When suddenly I hear someone walking up behind me.

Was that long? Or was that short? I don't know! Anyways I hope you like it so far. Please give me feedback! I'd love to know what you like and what you don't like about my stories so I can improve. Thanks :)

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