Visit From A Fury

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"Where are we?" I ask looking at Naomi and wobbly Nico.

"Chicago." was the last thing Nico said before collapsing on the ground to sleep. Naomi quickly grabs a blanket and pillow for Nico. We are already in a park with no one around. It should be safe to stay here for a while.

"Why do you think he picked Chicago?" I asked looking back at Naomi who was pulling out the ambrosia and nectar.

"Not sure. Probably the first thing that popped up." she shrugged her shoulders and hands me some ambrosia, which I take. It tastes like my mom's homemade Oatmeal cookies. I wonder what it tastes like for Naomi.

Ambrosia and nectar, the food of the gods. It is suppose to taste like home and what you love to eat the most.

"We have four days left." she was looking down clear look of hopelessness.

"We'll finish this quest." I say walking over and sit next to her.

"We have no idea where the birds or the giant is located." she sounded so distraught that I wasn't sure the happy girl we found was still in there.

There was a strange sound coming from above. Almost like wings flapping. I look up and see a fury. I stand and pull out my sword ready to fight. But Naomi grabs my arm and gives me a warning look. I lower my sword as the fury lands.

"Lord Hades has sent me." she says in a raspy voice.

"Why?" asked Naomi curious but cautious. I know that Hades is her father but I still feel unsure about the creatures that work for him.

"He wishes to share some information. Luckily for you, he wishes for nothing in return." the fury doesn't seem to like that fact but continues anyways. "He said to share the information with his children and you," looks over at me. "You are not a child of Lord Hades. I can not share this information with you. Leave." I look back appalled then look at Naomi and she gives me a look that says I'll tell you. Please we need any information we can get. I nod and walk away out of ear shot.

Naomi POV

I watched J walk away. I really didn't want him to leave because with him gone I'll be here alone with the fury. Well Nico is here but he is sleeping and it takes a lot to wake him up.

"Well now with him gone I have information to share. You will tell your brother when he arises." she tried to make business like conversation but her voice truly annoyed me.

"Yes, I will tell him. What is the information you hold?" I hope I sounded confident and bold but I'm sure my voice carried some worry. I am running out of time and there are still two more things to slay.

"The information is the location of the Stymphalian Birds and the Giant." I waited for her to continue but she didn't and I tried real hard not to scream.

"Are you going to tell me...?" she looks at me annoyed.

"Yes. The birds are tormenting campers at Morro Bay State Park, Arkansas."

"What about the giant?"

"Lord Hades said that you should open up to your dreams and you will find the answers."

"My dreams?" I knew my face must hold complete confusion. How am I suppose to dream where to go?

I think the fury had enough and decided to leave. She flaps her wings and flies away in a hurry. J runs over to me.

"So what now? What did she say?"

Sorry not much happened in this chapter. Tell me what you think of the story so far though. It will be very helpful thanks :)

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