Where's Naomi

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I walk to the elevator alone. The guys stayed to chat. I don't care, I don't want to be here anymore. I just want to leave this place. I want to go home.

My surroundings filled with shadows. I felt myself fade and then I was in my room. Dizzy and on the verge of passing out I made my way to my bed. I collapsed and fell asleep instantly.

Nico POV

We walked out and I thought I'd see Naomi waiting for us but she wasn't there. Maybe at the elevator. I walked and J followed. He seems more nervous now that he knows that Aphrodite has taken an interest in him and Naomi. I didn't even know they were dating.

We stepped up to the elevator. Naomi wasn't there.

"Where is she?" asked J.

"Could have gone down. Let's go." I reply. We step in.

"If she went down wouldn't the elevator be down too?" he asked. J is really worried. Well I am too but I don't want to panic much. Naomi is tough and smart so it'll be okay.

"Shadow travel." I say. He nods and we ride the rest of the way down with the bad elevator music.

Once the doors open we expect to see Naomi in the lobby. She wasn't there and J just started to panic even more. We decided to ride a taxi back to her aunts.

We got out and walked up to the door and knocked. The husband answered.

"Is Naomi here?" blurted out J.

"You didn't find her?" he asked worried.

"We did. J was just trying to lighten the mood. Well tell her aunt that Naomi is okay and is back at camp." I say quickly. He looks at me questionly. "Well we better go." I grab J's arm and drag him away before anyone can say anything.

"She's not there, Nico. Where can she have gone?" J sounded worried and upset.

"She probably went straight to camp. Let's go." I grab hold of him again and sink into the shadows.


"What do you mean she's not here?" exclaimed J. Once we arrived we walked straight to the Big House to talk to Chiron.

"I'm afraid that she never showed up after the storm cleared." reported Chiron. He seemed deep in thought.

"She isn't-"

"No." I say cutting J off. "If she was I would have felt it. She's still alive."

"Okay, but for how long? Demigods out in the world without anyone else having their back... They don't survive that long, and she's a daughter of Hades. Her aura is powerful." J is rambling on.

"She survived all these years without camp. I'm sure she'll handle herself for however long it takes to find her." I say determined.

"Nico's right, Naomi should be fine. But we must start a search party if she doesn't show up by sunrise." says Chiron.

Hey guys sorry for such a late update. This will be the last chapter of this story.
Don't worry I'm going to write a sequel.
It'll be the only other story on my creation section.

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