Class Chaos

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You told Crowley off. When you said that, you really meant you told him all the problems you were having and very politely requested they be fixed as soon as possible. He reassured you that the plumbing and electricity would be turned on in your dorm eventually, but that it could take some time so you would have to be patient. You weren't sure how long you could go without taking a bath, but it seemed that the Headmaster wasn't bothered by it. You wanted to yell at him about it, but figured it was in your best interest not to.

And, though you were scared to ask, you questioned him about your job as a handyman. You would need to know if you were going to be paid, after all. His answer had shocked you.

Not only were you not a handyman anymore, you weren't going to be paid at all for the day you worked.

Where was a worker's union when you needed it? You needed to start a riot or sue him for child labor. But in the end, you didn't do either of those.

On the bright side though, he did say that you would have free breakfast and meals for the rest of the week. The ominous wording made it feel like next week you weren't going to have that option. You needed to find a job fast, huh?

You left the Headmaster's office feeling worse than you thought you would have. Ace and Deuce had been patiently waiting outside the office for you, keeping a watchful eye on Grim. Ace was arguing with him about something. Right before you opened the door they were about to start some kind of magic fight, but your sudden appearance shut that down instantly. You let out a heavy groan.

Your boys were such a handful.

. . .

Ace and Deuce led you to your first class of the day; Potions. There were many desks surrounding a large cauldron in the middle of the room, two seats per desk. You took a seat behind one of the desks that were set up. You were certain that Deuce was going to try and sit next to you (he had been walking rather close and looked like he wanted to say something on the way to the class), but before either him or Ace could even try, Grim hopped up into the seat, giddily cackling. Ah, your sweet baby boy.

He rested his paws on the table, excitedly bouncing about. A few bottles littered the table. He tried to mess with them, but you pushed them as far away from him as they could get. He wasn't going to start another magical fire on your watch.

Your friend duo took the open desk next to you, Deuce being the closest and Ace sitting at his side.

Other kids were filing in as well, chattering and laughing. Were these all first years? You averted your eyes when they would look over at you and Grim. Ah, shoot. They were at the ceremony too, huh? If you listened too hard, you could hear them talking about you and Grim, which did nothing to help ease the growing anxiety that was filling your chest. You started getting lost in your thoughts. A nervous hand raked through your hair. Was it really too long? Your new classmates weren't going to judge you on it, right? You were sure that you had seen boys at this school with longer hair, it shouldn't have been a big deal, right? But they were still looking at you. Your heart pounded in your chest, screeched loudly. If anyone had heard it, they didn't say a word.

Deuce noticed how suddenly weird you were acting. His face, laced with genuine concern, contorted into a frown. He reached his hand out to you.

"(Y/n), are you--"

A sharp crack made him jump into silence. You were ripped out of your spiraling, panicking thoughts and instead faced with a much more physical problem. Your mouth dried and you quickly tried to avert your eyes.

Why was your teacher so uncomfortably attractive?

A man stood at the large desk at the other end of the room, leaning against it with a sly, amused look. His coiffed hair and elegant makeup made you feel instantly insecure about your own appearance. Was he even real? He looked so familiar, you could almost place it. You were too nervous to sneak a second glance to try and figure out where you might have seen a man so handsome before.

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