Haunted Hijinks!

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Crowley paced around the room, muttering quietly to himself. He could not understand; why would the mirror be unable to send someone back to where they came from? It had always worked. Could (Y/n) have not been thinking about his home hard enough? Well, it would not exactly matter if he was or not. The mirror would have sent him home regardless. So why was it not working? What was the variable that changed this equation?

He spared a glance to the boy. Something certainly did seem strange about him. The way he talked was odd. He even looked odd. Strangely out of place among the other new students. He could not exactly tell what it was about the boy, but he could tell something was not exactly right. Perhaps it was the lack of magic in him?

But that wouldn't explain why the Dark Mirror was incapable of sending him home.

A thought was slowly forming; a thought he was growing concerned was a very real possibility. He was reluctant to ask.

"Mister (L/n), where exactly did you come from?"

. . .

You were a little surprised by what Crowley had said to you. Your expression twisted a bit. Why would he think you were a boy? Your clothes were rather loose-fitting, so you guess that it might have been hard to spot. You weren't too bothered by his assumption.

"Ah, well, um? I'm from Earth? Uh, more specifically (C/n). I don't," You hesitated, "I don't think its around here?" Crowley gave you a confused look. All you could offer was a wavering smile.

He examined you, making you shift awkwardly under his gaze. He sighed, "No, I am afraid I have not heard that name before. I am well acquainted with most places students are from, but there may be a few places that allude my grasp. We can investigate in the library."

He held a hand out as if to beckon you, before turning on his heel and heading for the doors. You gave a quick look behind you to the mirror. The face it had before was gone; in its place was just a simple reflection of the room. You were there, simply staring back at yourself. Your eyes lingered there for a moment.

You almost couldn't recognize yourself. The hood of your robe covered a good portion of your face. You grasped the sides of the hood and pulled it back to look at yourself. Your hair was frizzy and knotted in some places. Must have been from the fall. Your eyes looked strained and tired. Had they always looked like that?

A sudden call from Crowley broke you away from the mirror. You pulled the hood back over your head a hurried after him.

. . .

The trip walking to the library was uneventful and not worth mentioning. You were in the library for a few hours with the Headmaster. It wasn't boring or anything; in fact, it was really interesting! Crowley had spread out maps of the entire world across a few tables. The coastlines of the world were much different than it was back on Earth, just further expressing what you had come to think. You were in another world. After hours of searching for a place you knew you wouldn't find, Crowley gave you a skeptical look.

"You're sure you're telling the truth?" You nodded.

"I have no idea what any of these places are. They all sound fake to me."

He nodded to himself. "Looking at this, it is possible you could have somehow been brought here from another world." You couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Yeah, I sort of figured? What with the magic and the talking demon cats, paintings, and mirrors, you know? None of this is exactly "normal"."

He chose to ignore your comment. "When you came here, did you have anything on you? Anything you could use to identify yourself?" You patted the robe down. There wasn't anything. No phone, no wallet, nothing. You made a face, shaking your head. Crowley moved to the other side of the room, muttering to himself. It seemed he did that out of habit. "What to do... I can't just let someone who can't use magic stay at school. But I can't just toss a penniless teenager out on the streets with nothing. I'm too kind for that. Hmm..."

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