Even More Trouble

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"I can't believe I let you drag me here." Jamil crossed his arms as he stared at the door to the library. Why did he let Kalim talk him into this? School had ended and they were supposed to go back to the dormitory. They were the dorm leaders for crying out loud. They had a job to do. Responsibilities.

Kalim sighed dreamily.

Ah. Yes, that was the reason.

"She said she was going to the library, and since class got out she'll be leaving in a minute! I need to talk with her some more." He had this goofy look to him, one Jamil was not to happy to see.

"Don't you think you could come off as creepy?"

"What?! No way! I just want to see the newest friend I've made!"


Kalim ignored the comment. "Do you think she would like to come to our dorm? Oh! She could eat with us! We could throw a big party! That would be so much fun!" He skipped over to the large wooden doors. "I wonder what she likes." He mumbled happily before throwing the doors open. Now all that was left was to find her.

. . .

You had been sitting in the corner of the library for some time. The huge window next to you wafted in the orange afternoon sun. You were surrounded by a pile of different books with a few opened in front of you. Grim had given up on this whole thing and decided to take a nap and instead let you do the "boring stuff". His small chubby body was curled up on one of the opened tomes, but you didn't want to move him. He was so peaceful.

It was hard to know which books were fiction and which ones weren't. There were ones about when magic began, which you thought was really cool, but it sounded like you were reading a children's fantasy book. There were dragons in this world. Well, you probably should have guessed, since there were monsters like Grim, but it was a little jarring to hear about. Were there other monsters too? Werewolves? Vampires? Zombies?

You couldn't find anything on zombies, so you lucked out there, but there were some strange gaps in the other two. You hoped that was just you missing something.

Another fun thing you found was the different countries. There were so many! Well, in the real world there were too, but these ones had funky names. The Coral Sea sounded really cool, and there were Merpeople there! You wanted to visit one day. Imagine, just swimming with a bunch of mermaids? It would be so much fun. You could be like Ariel! Well, actually, no. She probably really existed here? Since they had Ursula, they probably had Ariel too. Ah, well, you could dream.

There were also huge deserts, savannas, and enormous kingdoms. You were fascinated. You weren't usually a history buff, but when you had a whole new world to learn about? Of course you were going to go all in!

Someone entering the library made you shoot up from your spot hunched over the books.

It was the boys from lunch. Kalim and Jamil, you think? You never were too good with names. What were they doing here? Shouldn't they be in class? Kalim looked around like he was looking for something but stopped when his eyes met yours.

"There you are! We've been looking for you!" He exclaimed from across the room. There wasn't anyone else in the library, thankfully. Otherwise someone might come and scold you for being too loud. He came bounding over like some sort of lost puppy with a huge closed-eyed smile across his face. Jamil was less bouncy and excited.

"He has been looking for you. I was not a part of this." Jamil clarified. You looked at them weirdly.

Sure, you ate lunch with them, but that shouldn't mean they came looking for you. It was a little embarrassing, actually. Did you make that big an impression on them? You got a little flustered thinking about it. No one had ever tracked you down like that before. Should you be concerned?

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