Making Friends

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Dinner was a mess, but you enjoyed it. Grim was excited to talk to you the entire time. He wasn't the best with words but you understood he wasn't trying to say anything mean. After you were done eating (and forcefully made Grim wash his hands), the two of you explored a few rooms upstairs. He was zipping around from door to door, opening some up, shaking his head, and then rushing to the next to repeat the process. He told you it was because he was looking for the "biggest room there was".

He was very excited about the idea. You didn't have the heart to tell him no.

Eventually, he came to a stop at the last door on the hallway. "Human!" He yelled, "This is our room!"

You hurried along to see the room he ran into. And, well. It wasn't that bad.

It was the biggest of the rooms you had seen so far. It was just as torn up as the rest of the dorm, but it didn't have holes in the floor or broken boarded up windows, so it had that going for it. There was a fireplace on the wall with two windows. The windows were large, stretching from a little below the ceiling to the floor. Pairs of fluttering curtains blocked out the view of the storm outside. Above the fireplace, there was a huge mirror. You thought it was weird that it was the only thing that wasn't falling off the wall. Beside the mirror, there was a broken wall hanging clock. In the corner of the room, there was a covered easel. Maybe you would be able to paint sometime?

But the only thing you really cared about was the bed. It was late and you were getting tired. It was low to the ground and had plain sheets, but you weren't complaining. It was big enough for you and Grim to sleep in.

"Perfect! This room is officially property of the Great Grim!" He spun around, pointing to you. "Human! You are the only one allowed to sleep here. I would say you should find your own room, but I know you would be too afraid of those ghosts coming back. I'm nice so I will let you stay with me."

"Oh, really?" You asked with a smile. You pulled the hood of your robe down and fanned your hair out of it. "Well, thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't let me stay."

"You're welcome! And by the way, what's your name?" He climbed up onto the bed and watched you fiddling with your robe.

"Oh, I'm (Y/n). Wait, shoot, you aren't gonna curse me because I gave you my name, right?"

Grim grimaced. "I don't know how to do curses yet. And besides! Why would I ever curse my trusty assistant?" His frown was quick to change into a mischievous grin. You snorted.

You unclasped the belt that held the robe against you and pulled the loose fabric off of your shoulders. You kept the fancy dress shirt and the pants on. You didn't get teleported here with your pajamas, so this was the best you had. Unless you wanted to wear just the robe, but you didn't feel like getting undressed right now. You just wanted to sleep. Besides, you wouldn't want to freak out your new cat. You sat down on the bed and started to take your shoes off.

"You don't look like the other students."

You raised an eyebrow. "I didn't see much of them. I was kind of freaking out. A lot of them were tall though, maybe that's it? I wasn't really looking for any of them, though."

Grim looked confused. He was quietly watching you. "Wait, are you a girl?" You nodded, slipping off your shoes. "Then that's it! I knew you looked weird!" You rolled your eyes.

"Says the talking cat." He groaned at your words. He changed his position so that he was curled up at the end of the bed. You took this as your cue to go ahead go to sleep. "Goodnight, Grim."

He only hummed in response.

. . .

You had one of the deepest sleeps of your entire life. The kind where you woke up and thought you had died in your sleep. It was a little scary, but once you realized that, yes, you were alive, you sighed. You lifted your head a little to see Grim still asleep and softly snoring at your feet. It brought a smile to your face. He was cute. Gently, you got up. You didn't want to wake him up yet.

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