Chapter I

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Unrequited love is absolute hell, until it isn't. Either love, or unrequited.

In the end, both of them seem the only ones taken by surprise.

It goes like this.

While the other two fight over a girl—a girl, for god's sake, with thousands more out there—, the more reasonable half of the group is left to watch. He tries not to pick sides, because those two are his friends and they're both being complete idiots, but it gets complicated when Connor does pick a side. And Adryan's, no less, arguing that the girl was dating him to begin with, and Darren should have done none of this, and who knows what else.

"Wouldn't you be pissed if I were to kiss the girl you're dating?" he tries to convince him.

Caesar considers, he really does, but in the end he can't bring himself to do anything other than shrugging.

"If it were someone else, and if I'm serious with this girl, maybe. If it's you then whatever, man. I'm not gonna declare war on you for something like that."

The whole situation is messy, he can't deny that, and both Darren and Adryan are being assholes, but. This is just overreacting now. In the silence that follows, he doesn't need to look to know Connor's biting his lip.

"Would you?"

There's enough hesitation after the question that he has to draw his eyes up. Connor is already looking; the answer arrives before he speaks it, but he does anyway.

"No. I don't think we can fall out for something like that."

Truth is, they probably can't fall out for anything at all.

"You'll stay by Adryan's side, though, I assume," Caesar says, going back to his phone.

"You should too."

When they were eight, Caesar followed Connor into the woods in search of a teddy bear that was never there; he later followed Connor into ceramic workshops even if he couldn't care less about working with his hands; he follows him to each and every one of his art expositions, all around the globe; he follows when Connor's the first to jump into the water; he follows when Connor calls for a race; it's been like this since the beginning of time. He follows him into this situation as well, if reluctantly.

It's only natural to wonder, Connor muses.

Adryan's older sister orders hot chocolate for both of them as they get ready to watch Darren and Adryan's horse race—yes, it's come to this, unsurprisingly. Both Wang siblings are too over-the-top for anything less dramatic. Most of the school's there, as well as Dawn and her best friend.

Now, Ali, the best friend. Unfairly pretty for someone so naive and principled, too much of that last bit for Connor to be interested. It'd be such a bother, anyway. Girls like that expect love, no less.

As the race starts and everyone rushes to the edges to watch, it's only natural to wonder, Connor muses.

"How come only Darren and Adryan get all the fun? I want a story for myself, you know."

Turning to Caesar, he catches the glance Ali risks his way and bites back a smirk. Caesar puts the cup down and turns back to him.

"Learn from them," he says, gesturing vaguely. "I reckon you'd need to fall in love or something. To be honest I also want a story, dunno, some drama, to be interesting."

Connor scoffs, bumping his knee against Caesar's. "Why would you need anything else to be interesting? Fuck off, we're talking about me."

"Well I already told you what to do. Find someone, fall in love and make it complicated."

He feels the familiar weight of Caesar's awareness when his gaze flies to Ali, for just an instant. She's already looking at him, having most likely heard the whole conversation. Their eyes barely meet before he's turning away once more, attention landing back on Caesar's quirked brow, knowing.

"Bro," Connor starts, grabbing his arm. "I should fall in love with you."

He hears someone spluttering behind him, but there's no trace of surprise in Caesar's expression.

"How would that be complicated?"

Connor falters. That's right, isn't it? When was the last time something was complicated between the two of them? It's only natural, they both understand without having to exchange one more word, if one were to fall, the other would just follow, no question or agreement needed.

"No use, then. I'll think of something else."

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