Chapter One

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   It was another day for any other monster in the Underground. Just another day in their lives. But there was one monster who's day was different. Whose day would be one of the most important in their lives. For Wingdings Gaster, a certain skeleton, this would be his first day as the official Royal Scientist of the Underground.
   Beep! Beep! Beep!
   W. D. Gaster groaned at the sound of his alarm. He opened one of his eyesockets slightly. The alarm continued to blare loudly. Gaster lifted his bony hand, which both hands had holes, and tapped the snooze button. He closed both eyesockets and forced his face back into his white pillow and sighed deeply. He lied down for a few more seconds and then realized what day it was.
He sat up immediately, then gasped, eyesockets wide open.
   "Today's the day!" He shouted to himself. He threw the covers off the bed, rubbing his eyesockets with his hands. "Wake up, Gaster! Wake up!" He told himself, slapping his own skull lightly. He ran into the bathroom connected to his bedroom.
   Throwing open the door and quickly put on his first-day-of-work clothes, Gaster was slipping on the tile floor of his bathroom every few minutes. He brushed his teeth in a rush and darted out of his bathroom, down the stairs, tripping over his black table in the process of trying to get outside. He grunted when he hit the carpet floor. "Ow...", he mumbled. He pushed himself back up to his feet and shot like a bullet outside the door.
   The skeleton lived in the Hotlands, the temperature as warm as it sounded, but the heat didn't effect him, considering he was a skeleton and had no skin. He speed-walked down the path of the Hotlands, bumping into two or three monsters on his way to the Lab. As he did, there were plenty that yelled "Watch it!", and, "Watch where you're going, idiot!". But Gaster knew they were wrong. Maybe now they didn't know his name as the Royal Scientist, or even knew his name, but he was smarter than he looked. He just happened to be in a rush this certain morning.
   He slowed down, putting his hands on his knees and caught his breath.
   "Okay... I'm here." He glanced at his watch. It read that it was 7:00 AM. He sighed happily and chuckled. "I'm on time." He looked up at the entrance to the Lab. The Lab was a huge, white brick building. It covered a large mass of land. Only the smartest of monsters entered the Lab, and Gaster was happy that his day had finally arrived.
   Gaster took in a deep breath and pressed his skeleton hands up against the cold, red doors at the entrance of the Lab, his eyes closed. He opened them and quickly pushed open the red doors. The man stood speechless at the sight of what was in front of him.
"Wow.", he managed to say.
   There were many scientists walking around, speaking to each other. All of them had white lab coats just as Gaster did. Most had chalkboards behind them, showing a theory they came up with, or were presenting a piece of work they did on paper. The skeleton was amazed at the sight and smiled.
   All of a sudden, the scientists had realized that the red double-doors had been opened. They all glanced up, and once they did, they didn't seem to look away. Some gasped. Some smiled. Some just stared, wide-eyed. "Dr. W. D. Gaster? Is- is that him?" A female voice stuttered, breaking the silence.
   "Yes. That's me.", Gaster said. A few of the monsters stepped aside as a yellow creature made it's way through the crowd of scientists. It appeared to be a female lizard monster that wore glasses, a white lab coat, and a name tag labeled "Dr. Alphys". She stepped up to the skeleton and shook his hand.
   "It is an honor to meet you, Dr. W. D. Gaster, Royal Scientist of the Underground. My name is Alphys. I am also a scientist and I will be working with you.", she said. Gaster smiled. He shook her hand back then drew his hand away from her.
   "It is a pleasure to meet you, too.", he said. Alphys made a hand motion that showed Gaster that he should follow her. He walked beside Alphys down the main hall of the Lab. It was still silent as they walked, and the monsters were watching them. Gaster stopped walking and glanced back at them. "What are you looking at?", he asked them. A few of them stuttered trying to answer the man.
   Alphys tapped him on the shoulder. He looked down at her. "You see, we haven't had a Royal Scientist in 13 years, so you are very important to all monsters, especially us scientists.", she explained, her head tilted. Gaster widened his eyes.
   13 years?!, he thought, They haven't had a Royal Scientist in 13 years?!
   "Oh.", he managed to say, realizing how important he was. He thought about what it would be like not to, say, have a king for 13 years. Whenever there was one, he would be excited and honored to be in their presence.
   Alphys continued to walk and Gaster jogged to catch up to her. When he got to her, he slowed to a walk. Alphys stopped, so he did too. They were standing next to an elevator. Alphys pressed a button next to it which opened the doors. Alphys and Gaster stepped into the elevator. The yellow lizard pressed another button in the elevator and the elevator began to go down.
   "So... are you ready to see where you will be working, sir?", Alphys asked.
   "Yes. I am." Gaster said. Then the elevator stopped.

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