Chapter 8

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AN: Thank you helldemonsingblood for all the amazing comments you leave me :) I meant to say that earlier haha I'm always so happy to read them after posting a new chapter :) I hope you like this new one!

I sat at our table my stomach full of knots. The usual chaos of the lunch crowd was bustling all around us. It was Wednesday, two days before Jay's performance and according to Anthony the best time to do our pop up performance.

"If we do it too early in the week it won't have the lasting impression we want. If we do it too late it'll look like we're purposely trying to draw the attention away from Jay, which we are, but we don't want to come off that way got it?"

I sighed as I nervously drummed my fingers against the table. Dakota was happily chomping away on the pizza he had gotten beside me. Raven wrinkled her nose at him and pushed her salad in his direction, commenting on how his puffed out cheeks made him look like a squirrel and how he should watch his weight. Megan was busy munching away on a bag of mini chocolate chip cookies completely lost in her own world. None of them felt any sort of nerves and how could they? They were used to this sort of thing and had the self-esteem levels to overpower most of the school. I sighed again and looked to our stage. The cafeteria was huge and represented a grand dining hall of sorts. All the food served here was gourmet and there was enough room to fit the whole school in its abundance. The majority of the student body could be found here at this time, with the exception of the few study worms in the library and what not. On the wall opposite the serving line was a sunken in stage area. According to Dakota when this castle was actually used as a castle the stage was used by orchestras and performers to provide entertainment for noblemen during separate meals. Now days the school uses it for decoration. I guess during the holidays the student council will set up a grand scene to suite the different celebrations. Right now it displayed a scene of a summer's day complete with fake trees and a banner extending between the foliage that read Welcome Back for the new school year. Yesterday afternoon we snuck into the cafeteria and set up our gear, pushing trees out of the way and replacing the banner with one of our own that displayed Undecided's name in fancy, flaming lettering courtesy of Mimi. Anthony, who I discovered was a warlock, set up a barrier in front of it that made it so when you looked to the stage you still saw the same summer's day and not the new scene we had created. I checked my phone, it was almost time to go on.

I nervously sipped on my water as I spotted Anthony and Mimi walk into the room. They casually took a seat at the table closest to the stage. Anthony had a giant news camera under his arm with a purple crystal ball attached to the end of it. I guess that's the magic they used to do the morning shows every day and Anthony wanted to make sure everyone in the whole school saw our performance no matter where they were. I feel like we could get in trouble for this but according to Anthony there's a loop hole to everything.

"As long as we inform the headmaster about the performance and get it approved its fine. Professor Marco is actually really good friends with her so there's no worries. We're in the clear."

I applaud his genius sometimes. I sighed and glanced around the cafeteria. I spotted Josh sitting at his usual table in the middle of the room. He was laughing and lightly punched the arm of the guy sitting next to him. He was surrounded by the popular crowd of the school, the more athletic jocks and prissy cheerleaders. They seemed to carry an air of their own and all of them were ungodly attractive looking. I noticed other students looking to their table longingly as if wishing they could join their popularity, some were drooling and sneaking photos of them which was a little disturbing. My eyes slid past them to where June was seated. He was usually alone with his reserved aura that kept others away from him. Occasionally I would see him with a group of friends, always the same pale people who I imagined were also vampires. Today he was sitting with them, a dull look in his eyes as he rested his face in the palm of his hand. More girls eyed him hungrily and it was hard not to. He was pretty damn hot and just as popular as Josh was. His quiet and uncaring demeanor was apparently a turn on to most of the girls here. Finally my gaze drifted over to Jay. He and his band members took up the space in the far right corner of the room. He looked like a celebrity surrounded by mountains of fan girls. They cooed and complimented him, inflating his ego even more. They brought him food and homemade goods, asking if he'd be willing to sign this and that for him. He looked so damn pleased with himself and gave a flirtatious wink to the girl in front of him which caused her and her friends to squeal. My God. People are way to obsessed here at this school, but I guess since it was a secluded boarding school things like this really got people going.

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