Chapter 10

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A/N chittaprr

Chenle woke up very sore. His head hurt, his arms hurt, his legs hurt, fucking everything just hurt. He opened his eyes and was met with blank white. Confused, he tried to move around but couldn't. Chenle heard a door behind him open, followed by a scream, a pause, and then another scream.

"JAEHYUN UM-" the voice shouted, presumably back into the house. More footsteps, and then a, "W-What the fuck?? IS THAT A CORPSE??"

Chenle sighed before speaking up, "U-Um! Before you ask questions, can you help me out of this..?" There was slight pause before one of them said, "Oh you're aliv- Uh, sure-" "THAT'S ALIVE????" "Taeyong, I'm gonna need you to shut up for a minute and get the scissors, thanks."

As soon as Chenle heard footsteps, he cleared his throat. "So, um.. How bad is it...?" "Well, uh... There's a dog head.. Next to you-" "WHAT THE FUCK WHY JUST THE HEAD WHAT DID MARK DO IS IT AN ACTUAL DOG DO I NEED TO CALL THE POLICE ON THEM-"

"No! No, it's just.. toilet paper... It's pretty well made though?" Chenle was about to speak up again but the other person, who he deduced was Taeyong, came back with the scissors. "Alright! Um, stay still?" "Kay."

As soon as Taeyong finished cutting the toilet paper off, Chenle blinked and took in his surroundings. As soon as he saw Chani and Rowoon's house across the street, he jumped up. "THOSE FUCKERS- HANDS WILL BE THROWN TODAY BITCH," He cut himself off and looked back at the two who just helped him with embarrassment.

"Um. So, hello... I'm Zhong Chenle... My friends are dumbasses and decided to do this, I'm really sorry." Said boy glanced around at their yard and saw how bad it was, "WHAT THE FUCK- Oh, there's the other part of the dog."

Taeyong just patted his back, "Well uh, looks like you've been through.. Some things. Want some tea..?" Jaehyun sighed, "Or some food? I assume you've been out here since last night..." Chenle smiled gratefully, "Yeah, thank you."

Jaehyun cleared his throat, "So, do you remember what happened?" Chenle sighed, "We were playing Truth or Dare, and a dare was to TP someone's house. Anyways, I'm pretty sure I got like poisoned or something, because I just blacked out and next thing I knew I was here."

Taeyong gave Chenle a sympathy pat. "Feels bad. Which house are you and your friends staying at?" The latter glanced around their living room, "Rowoon and Chani Hyung's; across the street." "Ah. We should probably get you back before they freak out." Chenle shook his head quickly. "I wanna stay with you two, you're nice. Let them worry, it's their fault!" "Oh, sure? Exactly how bad are your friends...?"


Chani woke up, looked beside him, and saw that Rowoon was still asleep. He shrugged and got out of bed and walked downstairs like any other day. Only when he reached his living room did he start to get concerned.

The boys were all passed out on the couch and floor. 'What the fuck happened to them..?" Chani thought worriedly. He scanned the room, 'Aren't there seven of them? Why are there only five-' He rushed into the room "WAKE UP WHY ARE THERE ONLY FIVE OF YOU WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO???"

Jaemin groaned and sat up. "Why are you screaming?? It's too early for this. Also, what do you mean five, Chenle's the only we-" "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO CHENLE?????? ALSO WHERE THE FUCK IS JISUNG??"

Haechan sat up and looked around, "What? I thought we dragged him back in-" "Haechan shut up!" Jaemin cut in. Jisung sighed and stood up from the corner, "I'm here.." Chani sighed, but then realized Chenle still was nowhere to be found.

"Okay, then what about Chenle? WHERE DID YOU LEAVE HIM????" Renjun shrugged, "He's not here, he's across the street." Chani rushed to the window, Renjun following behind him. "Where the fuck is he then??"

Renjun tilted his head, "What are you talking about? We left him right there-" he looked out the window to see no Chenle or dog head, "Oh. Yo Mark, your dog head's missing." Jisung rushed to the window, "That's not the problem- WHERE THE FUCK IS CHENLE????"

By now, they were all awake and being stared down by a furious Chani and worried Jisung. They all rushed to the window, "No, he was there!" "But where'd he go-??" "Did he get kidnapped?" "Oh, you're right! Mark's dog head isn't there!" "Who'd want a corpse? I decorated him so well too.."

Chani sighed, "Shut the fuck up for a second and-- is that toilet paper?" Haechan, Renjun, and Jaemin simultaneously said no, while Mark, Jeno, and Jisung all sighed and said yes. The six glared at each other, "Fine then, yes!" "Um, n-no..?" "No, then." "Yes-"

Rowoon came down and tilted his head, "Uh, all the toilet paper's missing-" he looked out the window they were crowded around, "Oh, that's what happened- WAIT WHAT THE FUCK WHERE IS CHENLE WHAT HAPPENED" The five shrugged in unison, "We don't know," while Jisung and Chani just stood there.

They all rushed out and looked around. Chani sighed, "Well, if you left Chenle there-" he pointed across the street, "-Let's ask that house first." Rowoon glared at them, "And apologize." They all walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Haechan looked around and sighed dreamily, "Wow, really brings me back!" Chani gave him a look, "To when?!" "To-"

The door opened, revealing Chani and Rowoon's neighbor, Taeyong. The latter looked at them and smiled, "Can I help you?" Chani sighed, "Yeah, um... We're looking for a kid that my friends managed to lose. He's about 5'9, Chinese, and the last time they saw him, he was wrapped in toilet paper and by your door."

Taeyong burst into laughter, and the group outside heard very quick footsteps from inside the house. All of a sudden, they hear from practically across the house, "YOU FUCKERS FINALLY DECIDED TO SHOW UP, HUH? BETTER OFF JUST LEAVING ME HERE! THEY WOULDN'T DRUG ME AND LEAVE ME TO DIE," Chenle appeared from around the corner with a cookie in his hand.

Jisung's eyes widened and he ran to Chenle while the boy continued to yell at the group. Jisung grabbed his shoulders and hugged him, cutting Chenle off, "Holy shit you're not dead!" Chenle however, was still on a little rampage, "YOU THOUGHT I WAS DEAD?? WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR, A WEAK BITCH-"

Jisung sighed, lifted Chenle's hand which had the cookie, and practically shoved it into the latter's mouth, "Calm down... You're fine now though, let's just go back and-" "Y-Yeah okay in a bit. Hold on, I'll be there don't wait for me! Y'all didn't yesterday anyways!" Chenle yelled and ran back into the house, the cookie still in his mouth and a light blush on his cheeks.

Haechan looked around inside the house, "That was cute and all, but like what happened to the dog head?" Jaehyun came and held it out, "You mean this one? Yeah, I don't know what that's about but... Here?" Chenle peeked out from behind Jaehyun, "That's creepy! Just a dog head at your door, damn." Jaehyun smiled, "You know, a dead corpse looking thing is also creepy. They put a ribbon on your head though; bonus points." Chenle sighed and disappeared into the house again.

Taeyong and Jaehyun looked at the group, who were now all bowing in apology (except for Chani and Rowoon), "I'm sorry! It won't happen again." Haechan muttered, "...Probably." Taeyong smiled, "Next time, leave like a bird head or something." Chani glared at the dreamies, "Or better yet, don't waste our toilet paper!" "Yes.."

And so they spent the rest of the day cleaning up the mess they had managed to make in just an hour. Chenle was just sitting there, laughing at them.


A/N have you realized that chapters 4-10 have just been the weekend (Saturday & Sunday) and we're so far off the main topic at this point oops

but have some small chensung ig

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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