Chapter 5

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[Rename New Contact?]
[YES]                  [NO]

heyyyy jeno~
its jaemin
i got your number finally~

that sounded really creepy and i would
prob block u if it wasnt u
but yeah hii?
wait howd u even get my number u
creepy old man

dont be so cold to me~ :(
u even fed me yesterdayyyyy
dont pretend like u didnt like it ;)

c r e e p y o l d m a n
also no i did nOT like it T^T
why u gotta assume

sry sunshine 🤷‍♀️
ooo can i call u sunshine

no u cant
u barely know me

are u saying that i can call u
sunshine later

dont call me sunshine ever thx

'kay sunshine :DDD

[Change Contact Name?]
[YES]                  [NO]

nooo stop ew halt yourself

but why would i, sunshine~?


im older than u bitch
(A/N we made jaemin older loll)

i swear im gonna strangle u one day

sucks for u
i like it rough
c h o k e m e


ok gtg love u~

dont come back


Jaemin laughed, got out of his bed, and walked into the small kitchen where Haechan was making a small breakfast for the two of them (A/N pretend he can cook). Jaemin hoisted himself onto the bar stool by the island counter, "Hyung, let's go hang out with our friends today~!"

Haechan shrugged. "Yeah sure, but where should we go?" "I don't know! We'll figure it out as a group." "More like a gang." "Whatever works for you, I guess!"


Jeno sighed and put his phone down. Mark looked up from his phone, "You good?" "Yeah." "Okay, cool. Also, Haechan texted me asking if we wanted to go out and spend time with our friends."

Jeno tilted his head, "Who's gonna be there?" Mark looked back down at the text and read off, "Haechan, Jaemin, Renjun, Chenle, a new kid named Jisung, Chani, and Rowoon."

Jeno groaned. "Jaemin's going?" "Just go! It's not like you're gonna be alone with him, even though you probably want that!" Jeno scoffed and hit Mark's arm, "Shut up, and you're wrong! He's a creep." "I'm assuming he's always like this, so get used to it." "Ugghh why can't he just annoy Renjun like this or something.." (A/N we stan norenmin but sadly that is not this fic)


They agreed to meet up in a small park near the dorms. Jaemin and Haechan arrived to see Chenle and Renjun there. They weren't close enough to hear what they were saying, but Chenle sure as hell looked flustered over something.

Jaemin and Haechan simultaneously grinned and walked towards them. "The queen has arrived, bitches." Renjun and Chenle looked up to see Haechan in front of them with Jaemin behind him. Renjun grinned. "Hey, wanna hear what Chenle's so worked up about?"

Jaemin and Haechan wore matching grins as they nodded. Chenle sighed. "Well, there's this cute kid who works at the convenience store with Renjun Hyung and I. Yesterday we met- his name's Jisung, by the way- and exchanged numbers. But his voice was so deep! Also, he was taller than I thought."

"Sounds like love to me, just saying."
They looked up to see Mark and Jeno walking towards them. Jaemin's eyes lit up as he spotted the pair. More specifically, as he spotted Jeno.

"Hey~! Hello~!! Good morning! Well, afternoon. Whatever~" "Y-Yeah..." Jeno murmured and glanced at Jaemin, then shifted his gaze to the floor. Mark looked from Jeno to Jaemin, "Yeah, uh, good morning Jaemin... I mean afternoon.. Yeah..."

Haechan laughed at Mark's awkwardness. "You just gonna say hi to Jaemin?" Mark felt his face heat up, and he tried (successfully bc he's a big boy) to repress his blush. "Ah. Sorry. Uh, hi." Haechan laughed again, and Mark almost blushed. Almost.

Jaemin watched their awkward conversation with amusement and then turned to Mark. "Hi to you too, hyung!" He exclaimed and then jumped up and hugged Jeno. The latter had to admit, Jaemin's hugs were warm.

Jaemin looked at Jeno- who was still in his arms- for a beat too long, then Jeno broke away and hid behind Mark, obviously blushing. Jaemin pouted and dramatically put his hand to his chest, "I thought you loved me~!"

"I never said that! Right, Mark Hyung?" Jeno tapped Mark on the shoulder frantically. The latter looked from Jeno to Jaemin again as a smile formed on his face, "..Right." "Hey! At least make it sound more believable!"


As the group scattered throughout the park, they caught sight of Chani and Rowoon approaching. Surprisingly, Jisung was with them as well. Renjun got up from his bench with Chenle and ran over to them.

"Hey! You're pretty late." "Sorry," Chani apologized, "We had to pick up Jisung. Renjun tilted his head, "Oh, yeah- I didn't know you knew Jisung!" Jisung laughed. "We met when I was in high school. I was lost, and I asked them for directions. And then we realized Chani and I went to the same school, so that happened." Renjun nodded, "Well, that's cool then! But hurry up, you're already late and I wanna introduce Jisung to the others!"


A/N: TMI time bitches: what is the biggest lie you've ever told

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