Pregnancy pt3

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A/N: To me water birth is comfortable and relaxing so no hate anyway enjoy the story
It was a Saturday morning, Michael was free since its a weekend.You are 9 months pregnant already and it is tiresome.Both you and Michael have agreed to do water birth since your personal doctor explained to you all types of birth processes .
Michael's mother will arrive any moment soon.Your breakfast is yogurt because you have no appetite

After 2 hours

Michael's mom had arrived together with your personal doctor and midwife to help you with birth .Right now the midwife and personal doctor are preparing the bath tub with warm water so that you don't feel cold and on the other hand your walking around neverland but not so far from the house together with Michael.

1 hour later

You started having contractions while sleeping so you called Michael and Katherine to help you up.The bath tub is ready and the water is as warm as you wanted.You didn't want epidural cause it better natural.
Your birth process took like an hour and fifty-five  minutes and your baby is a girl

Y/N Jackson:My baby is here and we are all so happy to receive another jackson in the familyHer name is Ava Katherine Jackson

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Y/N Jackson:My baby is here and we are all so happy to receive another jackson in the family
Her name is Ava Katherine Jackson.
Comments:Janet jackson:My niece is here and i'll spoil her so much love you guys.

That's it for now guys i hope you enjoyed it

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