You two meet at the park

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The next day
You woke up at 9:30 since it was a weekend and it was the latest you woke up.  You ate your breakfast, cleaned your house,washed clothes,and watered the garden. When you were done with everything,you took a bath and ate lunch by 2:30pm .After lunch,you watched a movie called The Hard Way in Netflix .You slept in the middle of the movie cause when you woke up,it was 3:30pm so basically you slept for one hour . You just remembered that you have to meet Michael at 4:30 at the park .

You got ready by 4:25 your at the park but you informed Michael that you were the lady with a white hoodie so that he can easily spot you. He arrived at 4:35pm and you are so excited to see him. He spotted you easily since you are sitting on the bench . You guys walked and talked and he asked you if he could introduce you to his family the next day and you agreed.

It was time for him to go since he has an interview to attend to.
Michael:Bye baby
You:Bye Mike

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