e p i l o g u e

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Annabeth was excited as she walked out of her dorm and through the halls. She and Percy were planning to go for lunch since it was the last day of her junior year before they were released. Percy and her were still going strong, and Annabeth had never felt better.

She walked out of Cornell University and to her car. Percy had been accepted to NYU, and Annabeth to Cornell. It was her lifelong dream, and she had finally got there. It was a long drive but they did FaceTime every day and made sure to met every week.

It was a long ride to the restaurant, which was around two hours away. But Annabeth dealt with it by singing along to music. She finally got to the restaurant, which was a pretty casual place (thank gods, she wasn't wearing anything fancy) and walked to the front, ordering a table for two. The waitress took her to a booth and Annabeth asked for a glass of water. She pulled out her phone to text Percy when she felt the tap on her shoulder. She already knew who it was. Four years and she still got butterflies. She turned around to find Percy, still tall and tanned, wearing a tshirt and shorts, his messy black hair sticking up as his green eyes shone on Annabeth's. Before she knew it Annabeth was embracing him.

Percy was warm and smelled like the ocean. She finally could let go, Percy staring into her eyes. They sat down, falling in love all over again, probably. The waitress came by to get their food choices. They ordered, but Annabeth was distracted staring to Percy's eyes.

"How's it going?" Percy suddenly said. Annabeth finally exploded. "FOR GODS SAKE PERCY!!! You can't just start out with how's it going when we haven't physically seen each other for a whole week." Percy smirked. "Wow, you love me that much huh?" Annabeth rolled her eyes. "I do, but you do too, so don't even say a word." Percy groaned. "How do you expect me, of all people, to not talk?!"

Annabeth rolled her eyes again. Her eyes were definitely going to get stuck like that soon. "So, anyways, I have to tell you about my new roommate for senior year. She came down early. Her name's Hazel?" Percys eyes got wide. "Wait, you mean Hazel Levesque?! She was my friend from California!" "Wow. Maybe we can have a reunion with her next week, since School's over." Annabeth said. "Did she finally start dating Frank yet?"

"Well..." Annabeth started. They continued talking about their friends and their life. Percy told Annabeth funny kindergarten stories about Estelle, and Annabeth told him the new tea on Jason and Piper. They continued talking over their delicious Italian food (Nico's was better though) and then the bill came.

Annabeth took out her wallet, but Percy, who had already gotten out of his chair, put his hand on top of hers. "I'm paying it, Wise girl. Not you." "Percy! You paid last week!" "Well, I'm paying again!" The conversation lasted for a while, and finally Annabeth let Percy win for once. She did want him to feel good, but she added something for good measure. "Next week I'm paying or else you're getting a judo flip." "Deal." Percy smirked.

They said goodbye to the hostess and then walked to Annabeth's car. "So, Percy, you wanna hang out?" "Definitely, now that we can see each other more often." Percy replied. They got into the car and stared at each other for a few good moments. Then suddenly, they just kissed. At the same time. And even though Annabeth had been dating this guy for four years, that floating feeling when you feel like you're at the top of the world? Still there.

And that feeling never, ever left. Even after their senior year, Percy getting his master's degree, Annabeth getting her PhD, Percy proposing, and a beautiful wedding. Annabeth closed her eyes, Percy's arms around her, her swollen belly aching, as she thought about her life so far. And she knew, that from day one, she was finally happy.

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