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That night, Annabeth slept really well and at peace. She didn't dream, but she was definitely thinking about Percy. The next morning, she woke up, only a day to spare until her big day. Thankfully, there was no school, but there was a text message from Piper.

Annabeth decided she would read it later, but she did open the text from Percy that she had just received.

Percy: good morning beautiful *insert heart emoji*

Annabeth: good morning yourself *insert more loving emojis*

After some text flirting and plans to meet up, Annabeth quickly showered, got dressed, and headed downstairs. Helen was waiting for her.

Today was day one of no crutches. Even though Annabeth's right hearing was permanently gone, she could finally walk on her leg, even though she was slightly wobbly.

"Hey Annabeth, what happened last night?" Helen asked. Annabeth grinned. "Percy asked me out! We kissed!" She hugged her. "Honey, that's awesome, I'm so proud of you!" Her dad  came behind her. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Percy finally asked Annabeth out and they kissed!" Helen said excitedly. "Hmm, that's great, but I'll have to check on this guy." Her dad said. But he gave her a hug anyway when Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, I'm happy for you too, sweetie."

After a delicious breakfast that Helen made, her dad gave her some news. "So, Annabeth, you know Piper's dad? We made an arrangement for you guys to meet at her house. There you can pick out your outfits for your sweet 16 tomorrow!" Annabeth smiled. So this was what Piper had texted her about! "That's amazing, thank you so much Dad!" Annabeth said. She was also grateful for this time with her parents, 'cause usually there are some ~disturbances~ *cough* her brothers *cough* going around.

After she was done eating, Annabeth checked the text message from Piper. Guys! We're all meeting at my house today to plan outfits. Percy and Jason, feel free to come! Annabeth laughed, understanding the effort that Piper was trying to make, getting Percy and Annabeth together. Little did she know that they had planned to keep it a secret. After they had kissed, Annabeth and Percy had made an agreement to try to keep it a secret. When the right time comes, they would surprise them.

The rest of the morning, Annabeth finished her book and plans for the sweet 16. Then she ate a quick lunch. Her dad drove her to Pipers, since it was kinda far away. Percy had said he needed to come late, since his mom needed him to watch Estelle for a few more minutes. Annabeth arrived at Piper's house and rang the doorbell. Piper's butler arrived. "Please come in," he said. Annabeth shrugged. She could get used to Thalia's giant house, but never Piper's. She followed him to the waiting room. After a few minutes, he came back. "Miss Piper is now ready to see you, Miss." He said. Annabeth followed him, once again, to Piper's room, which was on the next floor. Piper wasn't a spoiled brat. She had taken the smallest room in the mansion and decorated it well. She had hand painted the walls pale pink, and covered it with photos of her, Thalia, Annabeth and Jason. She was really good at crafts and relationship advice.

Piper was inside her closet. Annabeth saw her. "Hey Pipes. Am I the first one here?" She said. Piper nodded. "Yup. Percy was running late and Thalia and Jason are on their way." She looked at me, concerned. "Speaking of Percy..."

"Listen Piper. It's okay. We're just going to be awkward around each other until I'm ready to talk to him. I think he's going to respect that," Annabeth lied, trying her best to look honest. Apparently, Piper bought it, since she nodded. "It's okay. Anyways, my dad and I just ordered a HUGE shipment of dresses from some amazing stores! You have to try this on," she said, passing Annabeth a turquoise turtleneck dress. Annabeth sighed. "Fine."

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