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[unedited from here so you get a 13 yr old's writing. sorry guys ]

Annabeth did not get scared easily. She had a high pain tolerance, and she was calm in times of panic. But when the fire entered the library, a room with only one door, which was covered with fire, and she was alone, there was plenty reason to panic.

Annabeth knew her brain was going into overdrive. For a few moments, she did nothing but panic. Worry that she wouldn't survive. But she managed to calm herself down. Focus, she though. Focus on getting out of here.

She looked around, thinking. She couldn't use any of the books. She backed away from all the books and against the window as all the books around her caught on fire. She could distantly hear the fire alarm over her pounding heart. She imagined the students leaving the building, confused as to why the drill was so early, as she kept feeling more lightheaded and dizzier.

She shook her head. It hurt. She pressed her back against the window, feeling the shade poking against her arm. The window! Of course.
Annabeth turned and quickly unlocked the shade. She pulled it up as high as she could, but the limit was nowhere big enough for her to fit through. She quickly grabbed the one thing she could find that wasn't on fire; the book she had been reading - and threw it out the window. The heavy hardcover smashed the glass, leaving a hole big enough for Annabeth to jump through. Thankfully, Annabeth had checked before she threw, so nobody was in the way to get hurt.

The library was on the first floor. The smoke was getting to Annabeth's head. She had to stop, drop and roll towards the window. She made sure to stay low and not jump too high, or else she would have most likely died. She quickly rose and stepped out of the window, staggering through towards the nearest people.

A crowd had gathered a distance away from her, trying to help without getting too close. Annabeth's lungs were burning as they brought her close and tried to help. Firefighters were around the school, setting out the fire which had spread all throughout the library and half the first floor. All Annabeth could think about, as people were trying to cool her down, and getting her onto a stretcher, and taking her to the hospital in an ambulance, was all of the damaged books.

Even though she was suffering, she noticed there was one person who stayed. She couldn't tell who it was. She couldn't hear anything but murmurs. A few people surrounded her, and Annabeth felt at peace. One held her hand, comforting her. She could barely see anything, except a figure in front of her with a worried face.

He had green eyes.
Annabeth's lungs suddenly quit burning. She couldn't feel her heartbeat anymore, or hear the worries of her friends, or see their shocked faces, as she completely closed her eyes and saw black.


She looked around. They were in a bright green meadow. Her friends all surrounded her, their arms around her. She felt warm and comforted as they all whispered in her ears and left. Only one remained, the one with sea green eyes. They gazed into each other's eyes and kissed. Annabeth felt happy as she threw some mud into his face, and he laughed and threw some back. Why was he crying though?
Wait, not him.
It was-

Annabeth woke up to the sounds of crying. Or at least she thought it was. She could hear, but just barely. It faded in and out. She opened her eyes to see dizziness and stars. She quickly closed her eyes, but felt like she was connected to something. An IV. Annabeth had taught herself that when she was hurt, she had to assess the damage done. She tried her best, but it was exhausting. She couldn't feel her right leg and right hand. Her chest felt numb. It was hard to breathe. She didn't know if she could breathe without the IV. Her nose was covered with something. She couldn't hear out of her right ear either.

It was too exhausting to do any more. She opened her eyes slowly, just to make sure she wouldn't be dizzier. It was hard. Everyone was blurry and bright. She tried to speak, but no sound came out. Her throat was clogged.
Suddenly, she felt someone come to her side. "Annabeth!!!! Guys, she's awake!" It was joy. She remembered: Percy. He gripped her hand, and she painstakingly smiled. It was small, but she knew it was happy. "Annabeth."

"Yo-you're alright. You're alive. And we're together." Percy leaned in, his forehead crinkling as he stared at Annabeth. "How do you feel?"

Annabeth's throat was still clogged. She managed to unstick her throat and croaked. "Water."

"Of course! Here," Percy said, grabbing a glass of water. He tipped it over into Annabeth's mouth. She swallowed most of it, but some fell out. She couldn't even swallow. Wow.
Finally, Annabeth managed to talk. Her voice came out very hoarse. "I-What happened?" Percy shook his head. "Maybe later. Not now, Annabeth." Annabeth raised her eyebrow. It was surprisingly a lot easier than smiling. Force of habit, then. "What happened, Percy?"

Percy sighed. "You know how you were in the library? Well, the teacher's staffroom had a fire from it. Some teacher left food in the microwave. But don't worry, it's all fixed now." He quickly added at the look on Annabeth's face.

Annabeth laid back down. She couldn't believe it.

She had almost died.
"If you had been in the library for any longer you would have died," Percy finished. "It was amazing that you jumped out the window. I'm glad you're alive, Wise Girl."

Annabeth smiled. "Me too, Seaweed Brain."
Then she closed her eyes and went to sleep, not realizing that Percy was still there, holding her hand the entire time.

"You really are a Wise Girl." He whispered.

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