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Annabeth woke up, bright and early, to a million texts from her phone. She opened it up to find a million texts from lots of people saying Happy birthday! Omg you're 16! She ignored them to answer them later and opened the texts from her friends.



Jason: Happy birthday, Annabeth!!

Thanks guys, Annabeth quickly replied. She opened the text from Percy. Happy birthday wise girl, love you so much. It said. Seriously, no one had a right to be this cute.

Thanks Seaweed brain, I love you too, Annabeth replied. She quickly showered and got dressed into a t-shirt and jeans, as well as her Converse. Her usual outfit. Then she headed downstairs to find her entire family waiting for her at the table, singing happy birthday. They were entirely off pitch, but Annabeth was grateful to have their support through thick and thin.

"Aww! I don't know what to say. This is all so sweet," Annabeth replied. After some hugs and some birthday confetti pancakes, she opened their presents. Her brothers had given her a new book to read. Annabeth thanked them, and then opened her stepmom's present; a new sheet of graphing paper. "Thanks, Helen, these are totally awesome!" Annabeth said. Finally, her dad's present. It was a small, silver box. Annabeth carefully opened it, to find a small cloth bag. Inside was wrapped tissue paper, which covered a small locket. Annabeth opened it to find a photograph. It was kind of faded, but she could see there was a young girl with curly blonde hair being held by a smiling woman with brown hair and Annabeth's grey eyes. Annabeth looked at her dad, confused. "Wait...is that Mom?" Her dad nodded. "She told me to give this to you when you were 16, just days before she died." Annabeth stared at the picture. Even though it seemed insignificant, it was as important to her as blue cookies were to Percy, and that was saying something.

"Anyways!" Helen said, trying to brighten the mood. "Your sweet 16 starts at 3 Annabeth, so we need to head there right after lunch to help set up. But the makeup artist and your stylists should be coming in about 15 minutes, so let's get ready!"

"Wait, makeup artist? Come on, we don't have that kind of money!" Her dad laughed. "We made an exception. Boys, don't expect this treatment for you two," he said, glancing sternly at Bobby and Matthew, who had been gazing up at them with pleading eyes. Annabeth laughed.

"Well, looks like I'd better get ready," she said, heading upstairs.

A few minutes later, as Annabeth was helping Bobby with his homework, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Annabeth said. She opened the door to find a man and a woman. The woman had long purple hair and heavy eye makeup. She was short and sturdy and was wearing a leopard printed dress with extremely high heels. The man was tall and gangly, with a short crop of white hair, long eyeliner, and a professional suit. "We're here for Annabeth Chase's sweet 16?" The woman said with a French accent. "That's me, come on in," Annabeth said, holding the door open. They came in behind her. "So, I'm Valentina," the woman said. "This is Frederick." She said, gesturing to the man, who waved. "He doesn't really talk." Annabeth nodded. "That's the same name as my dad!"

She led them into the bathroom and they set up their supplies. Helen just walked in. "Oh, good, you guys are here!" She said. "Annabeth, your dad went to the hall to get the caterer's food. And we also just received some news. One of the girls that was supposed to attend, MB, was it? She was hospitalized from a car accident with her friend Sami. We don't know if they're going to make it." Annabeth blinked back tears. "Is there any way we can visit them?" Helen shook her head. "They won't be accepting anyone. They aren't sure they can make it." Annabeth was devastated. "And we're having a party on that day? We should put a tribute to them." Helen nodded. "On it." She left the room.

Fred and Val started to plan out Annabeth's hair and makeup using sketches and paper. Annabeth answered questions and gave comments as morning turned to afternoon. They took a break for lunch. "How about you two come and eat with us?" Annabeth said. "I'm sure my parents won't mind." "Oh, no, it's okay." Val said. "We will be eating with our friend." Annabeth nodded and showed them out. Then she and her family came to the kitchen table for lunch. Helen had ordered Indian food takeout. As Annabeth ate her naan and samosas, she daydreamed about a certain green eyed guy.

"Annabeth! It's time for you to get ready!" Helen said, snapping her out of her reverie and ushering her to the bathroom. The two stylists were readily waiting, hairspray and foundation in hand. They had decided on a natural makeup look, just some light foundation and concealer, some eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, blush and highlighter. Honestly, this was the best Annabeth could convince them for. Val was about to definitely go insane over her face!

"All done!" Valentina said in her adorable French accept, stepping back from Annabeth's face. She gasped. Val was definitely experted. "It's beautiful," she murmured. Her face was clear of blemishes, but not too pale. The blush made her cheeks look perfect, but now clowny. The eyeliner made her look more mature, the other eye makeup looking godly. Her lips were tinted a pretty raspberry color. "This is awesome. Thanks Val."

"Of course, mon chéri," Val said. "Now Frederick will do your hair."

Surprisingly, the treatment was barely painful. Annabeth's hair had thankfully been straighter than usual this morning, so all Fred had to do was curl it. He braided it in a thick braid and pinned it in the back. They had decided on not doing an updo, because the feeling was too unnatural, and they thought Annabeth's hair was too pretty to not let down.

Once the beautiful hair and makeup were finished, Annabeth thanked the stylists and let them out, passing them invites to the party. They had to be there an hour early, at 2, and it was 1:30 right now, so Annabeth quickly slipped into her dress back up into her room. The navy blue was beautiful, and the sequins at the stop shone when she turned. Normally she wasn't a girly person, but this dress was definitely beautiful, she had to admit. She then pulled on her converse sneakers.

She finally headed downstairs. Her dad and brothers were waiting in suits for her at the bottom. "Wow, honey, you look so beautiful," her dad said. "Thank you," Annabeth smiled. She was so happy with how far she came as she hugged her dad and her brothers, who didn't look too pleased at the physical touch. Helen came out of the room. "Annabeth, you're so pretty!" Annabeth smiled and nodded, thanking her. She was so grateful that her stepmom cared this much for her. She was not her mom, but she was an awesome stepparent.

The family headed out and climbed into the car, ready to go to the party. On the way, their dad played music on the radio, so Annabeth and her brothers were listening to the songs. She wished Percy was here, and she had sent him a text. He hadn't replied yet, so Annabeth was worried. Was he okay?

When they finally arrived, Helen helped Annabeth out of the car. They walked inside the hall, which they had rented out. The party was open to guests in 30 minutes, so Annabeth helped set up decorations, trying to not smudge her makeup or mess up her hair, until Helen convinced her to sit in the back room and prepare her speech.

As she worked, Annabeth thought about Percy. Why was he ignoring her? Was he okay? What's happening? She finally gave up and called him. He answered on the first ring.

"Percy! Are you okay? I've been texting you," Annabeth said anxiously. She could hear the sounds of a car driving. Where was he? On his way? "I'm okay, but I have a bad connection. I'll talk to you-" the phone cut off. Annabeth sighed. Even though she was still worried, she knew he was okay, and it was relieving to hear his voice.

Finally, it was time to start, with guests coming. Annabeth took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.

It was time.

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