skate parks and friends

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                                        -skate parks and friends-

-third person-

Mindy quickly walked out of her front door and slammed it shut, the loud screaming of her mother and brother getting trapped inside. Most days were this way, her brother, who'd come home drunk after a night of partying with his delinquent friends, would fight with their mother, who'd swear she was done with his absolute bullshit. But Mindy knew they were only frustrated and still upset over Pauline and dad leaving.

She chose to ignore the stares and glances from her neighbors as she made her way to the skate park, a place where she could skate and forget about everything as she talked with a few friends. The wind picked up her newly dyed purple hair and would make it smack right into her face. This of course, didn't seem to bother her, so instead she dropped her board on the side walk and jumped on, riding it towards the park. She made it to the park in no time, quickly spotting her group of friends. To anyone else they'd look like those trouble makers that liked to break hearts and vandalize your property just for the hell of it, but Mindy knew them. And she knew they were complete sweethearts who couldn't hurt a fly, unless they were severely annoyed or agitated.

As she approached them, now walking and her board in one hand, she noticed a familiar looking asian boy watching her, a few feet away from her friends. She slowed down and stared back at him, her footsteps now completely stopped. She scrunched up her eyebrows together in confusion as the asian boy smiled and practically dashed towards her.

"Mindy." He spoke. And that was the exact moment she remembered the occurrences from two nights before. 

"Calvin." She nodded and swiftly pushed past him, trying to join her now staring friends. She thought she was in the free zone, as she only needed one more step before being engulfed in her friend's friendship circle, when she heard him yell out her name and run to catch up with her. She groaned a bit but stopped, as she felt bad for the new kid.

"Calum, my name's calum." He whispered just when he reached her side. Mindy didn't answer, all she did was roll her eyes in annoyance and stared at James, who was practically the leader of her and her friends. She pleaded him with her eyes for him to get rid of the annoying asian kid behind her, but James being James gave her an amused glance before putting his attention on the asian kid.

"So, Calum was it, you know our sweet little Lilo." James' rough voice spoke out, Mindy grimacing at the use of her old nick name. 

"Lilo? Who's Lilo?" Calum's voice was laced with utter confusion, causing most of the group to let out barks and howls of laughter at the boy's awkward stance with them.

"Why, Lilo is our very own Mindy Mae," James spoke out, putting his hand on Mindy's shoulder and turning her to face Calum, "isn't that right Lilo?" Mindy looked up at James' teasing eyes and gave him a slight glare before looking at Calum and nodding.

"Why do they call you Lilo?" Asked Calum, the confusion lessening in his voice.

"It's a long story." Spoke out Mindy before James could reveal the true reason why.

"I've got time." Calum responded, causing Mindy to exhale a great amount of annoyance in air.

"Of course you do." Mindy responded. She still didn't trust him completely, but then again she didn't trust the group when her nickname was established. She looked at James, who nodded, and sighed again. 

"Whatever. I'm called Lilo because my life is a lot like Lilo's from Lilo & Stitch." Mindy was hesitant at telling Calum this valuable piece of information, but the confusion on his face made her realize he still didn't understand what she meant. But Mindy being who she is, didn't really care over his confusion and quickly walked off from her current spot towards the nearest half pipe, ready to forget everything and just soar on her board. 

Calum, who still wasn't getting the answers he wanted, stood beside Mindy's group of friends, who didn't really seem to care much about Calum anymore, and watched Mindy practically begging to die at every dangerous move she did. At least, that's what it looked like to Calum, but what would he know? He's never ridden anything besides a car, a bike, and the occasional rides on the school bus. But the more the group cheered for Mindy to try something called the Hospital Flip, the less Calum could watch. What was the Hospital Flip? It sounded too dangerous for a girl to try to attempt.

Mindy stopped and stared at her group of friends, raising an eyebrow and peering and James for approval before attempting the so called Hospital Flip. When James nodded, Mindy looked at her board, and seemed skeptical over what she was about to do.

"What is the Hospital Flip anyways?" Calum asked the closest girl to him. The petite girl looked over at him and grinned, showing off her blue braces.

"It's this super awesome trick that she's been working on for the past couple of days." The girl answered, her bright red lips forming into a smirk.

"Alright guys! Lilo is going to be trying the trick so everyone watch intently and be ready to judge!" James' voice was heard from over everyone else's. Mindy rolled her eyes but a smile tugged at her lips, showing that James' words didn't really have an effect on her.

"C'mon Lilo! You got this!" Yelled out the petite girl next to Calum. Everyone was cheering at a blushed Mindy, everyone except Calum. He was scared for what would happen to his new beautiful friend.

"What if she doesn't get it?" Calum whispered to the girl next to him. The girl shrugged before turning to him.

"Probably going to end up in the hospital or something." Her voice was completely monotone, letting Calum know she was already annoyed by his presence. That wasn't right, Mindy couldn't end up in the hospital. She was too pretty for that, well to Calum she was. Mindy looked over at James and gave him a small nod, letting him know she was ready. Calum watched as Mindy took a large breath in, and let it out, closing her eyes for a few seconds before opening them and pushing off on her board.

"I can't watch this." Calum spoke out, shutting his eyes tightly and covering them with his hands. The girl next to Calum was annoyed at him already, and rolled her eyes at his childish behaviour. He was too jumpy and always completely clueless, so how was it that Mindy and him were friends?

Mindy took off, her confidence taking over her completely and allowing her to execute the trick perfectly, although she nearly fell out of it and right on her face towards the ending. As she rode towards the group, she noticed Calum still standing to the side, but next to Marley. Marley didn't seem all to pleased with him, and that caused Mindy to crack a small smile, at least she wasn't the only one who found him annoying and slightly strange.

As she neared her friends, James walked towards her and slowly clapped, giving her a smile.

"That was fantastic, although you almost screwed up the ending. But overall, that would have given you a nine point five score at competition. Almost a perfect score." James' words made everyone cheer for Mindy, and give her high fives.

Calum, hearing the word competition, uncovered his eyes and opened them. He wasn't sure what they were talking about, but then again he's never really sure of things.

"Competition?" Asked Calum, making everyone turn to look at him. Mindy had completely forgotten he was there, and almost completely forgot he even existed.

"Oh, you're still here." Mindy replied, completely ignoring Calum's question.

"I wasn't going to leave you." Calum replied, a wide smile placed on his face.


so here you guys have it

calum isn't exactly the brightest and obviously mindy doesn't trust him one bit.

but i swear their friendship becomes better and sweeter

and he isn't a complete creep obsessed with her

he's just reacting to a pretty girl the way any other clueless teenaged boy would.

thank you

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