Mindy Mae

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She strolled down the concrete floor and glared at the ground as she walked. the music blaring through her ear buds while everything around her moved in a blur. She hated waking up in the middle of the night because of her nightmares, the empty room almost swallowing her up with the silence and heat inside it. She had to get out of there, even if it was for a simple midnight walk. And that's exactly what she did. She got up, put on her favorite hoodie with the blood stain on the corner, and walked out of her house, All Time Low clearly saving her from her 12AM voices. It wasn't easy for her, knowing she wasn't like the rest. But it also made her laugh, they gave her crap every single day expecting her to give a shit. Most likely hoping that she would go home crying. But they didn't know anything about her. She may be asexual, but that didn't mean she was weak. Hell no, she was strong minded, self aware, hard headed, stubborn, and determined. Nothing could stop her.

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