meeting idols

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                                                                                    -meeting idols-

Mindy was preparing herself for the small party she had been invited to at Calum's when she felt her phone buzz from her nightstand. She quickly wiped off the smudged mascara around her eye before walking over to the phone and picking it up.

From: Calvin

my sister just got here and i thought you'd like to see her before the party tonight :)

Mindy's eyes grew wide as realization hit her. Tonight was the night she would meet her idol Mali-Koa, and she couldn't be any more excited. Mindy quickly wrote a text back saying she would be there in a few and did a somewhat girly squeal. But right before Mindy could put the phone down and go back to clearing up the smudged make up around her eyes her phone rang. She looked down at the screen and groaned out in annoyance, he was calling her and it drove her insane when he would do that. Nevertheless she picked up the phone.

"What Calvin?"

"It's Calum."

"What do you need, Calvin?" Mindy heard him sigh in defense causing her to smirk.

"Can I pick you up?"


"Why not?" He was whining, and it just made him sound desperate and ugly to Mindy.

"Because I said no, I'll be at your house in a few."

"But Mindy I wa-"

"Bye Calvin." And with that Mindy hung up on him.

"Jesus, this boy is so needy." 


Back at Calum's house Mali-Koa was unpacking her suitcase and calling a very irritated Mrs. Hood. 

"Look, hun, I'm trying to make the meal for your party so if you could just call your brother to help you, that would be great." Mali-Koa sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, it's not like I wanted to hang out with my mother, who by the way I haven't seen in almost a year." Mali-Koa was used to being gone and coming home to her mom being extremely occupied with preparations to a party she didn't want. Just as Mrs. Hood was about to say something in return Calum walked in with the biggest smile on his face.

"Hurry Koko, I have a friend I'd like you to meet."

Mali-Koa rolled her eyes at the overused nickname her brother had given her and sighed. "Is this the girl who keeps calling you Calvin?" Calum's face went bright red at his sister's words.

"She's so pretty. You'll like her."

"Cal, I'm not gonna like someone just because she's pretty, what's her personality like? Does she have ambition? Is she a good graffiti artist? These are the things you should know about her." Calum was beyond confused at his sister's response. All a girl needed to be was pretty for him to like her.

"Well she skates. And has purple hair. And her voice is the sweetest most magical thing I have ever heard. Oh! And her style is so boyish, she's like Mikey but a pretty girl." Mali-Koa rolled her eyes at her brother's idiot speak, and stared at him, but she knew he wouldn't leave her alone until she met this girl.

"Alright, what's the name this purple haired beauty calls herself?" 

"Her name is Mindy Mae but she likes to be called  Mindy. Some of her skater friends call her Lilo."

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