Mystery Feelings

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-mystery feelings-

Mindy was confused, scratch that, she was completely and utterly lost. She had absolutely no idea what she was doing standing in the middle of the crowded hallway, right where Mali-Koa had left her. Calum had left her, along with the only feeling of comfort she had. She began walking towards the stairs, which seemed to be the only part of the house not completely crowded with people she's never even seen before. As soon as she reached the stairs she climbed up to the fourth step and turned around to search the crowd in hopes of finding the Asian siblings. But of course, she had no luck. She groaned and plopped herself down on the stairs, her chin resting on her hand. She was bored and extremely agitated and surprisingly all she wanted to do was find Calum so she could at least feel like she belonged. She stayed in her spot for what seemed like hours, but she knew were only mere seconds, before rolling her eyes and preparing to stand up to leave. She was so focused on making a beeline for the exit that she didn't realize Calum and a purple haired fella started walking quickly behind her.

"She's so focused, it's scary." She heard a thick accent say behind her.

"She's so pretty, it's scary." But this accent was more annoying and sounded clogged with dreams that would never happen, yet Mindy knew that accent. She quickly turned before finding herself face to face with Asian boy and purple boy. She scrunched up her nose, which obviously Calum found adorable, and glared right at Calum, which Calum did not find adorable.

"What? Did I do something? I'm sorry." Calum was instantly jumping up and down in panic, which only reminded Mindy to step away from him.

"Uh.." Mindy couldn't even get a word out, she could only keep staring at the jumping boy with cautious eyes. The purple haired boy rolled his eyes at his friend and turned his attention to the purple haired girl.

"You must be Mindy-Mae, the pretty girl with the pretty purple hair, and the glorious skating skills." At that Mindy nodded, not really wanting to know why everyone described her with the same phrase. "Well nice to meet you, I'm Michael. This idiot's friend from back home." Michael put his hand out, which only made Mindy slightly freak out and jump back, crashing into two very important looking men in suits. Calum stopped jumping and cocked his head, looking down at Mindy from her spot on the floor, and he giggled seeing as the men left her instead of trying to help her.

"You giggled." she stated, not accepting the hand Michael was trying to give her, and instead picking herself up.

"You fell." Calum said it as if no one else had noticed. She raised an eyebrow before dusting herself off. It's been a few weeks since she met Calum, almost two months, and she still found him weird. And not in a good way. Michael cleared his throat and clasped his tattooed hands together.

"Well this has been oddly nice", Michael then chuckled to himself, and put a finger up in the air, "I'm sorry no this has been extremely weird what the fuck? Calum don't be so weird please oh god." The Michael boy only continued to laugh harder, the finger that was once in the air was now at his sides. This behavior only made Mindy more aggravated than she already was, and she turned around before exiting the front door.

"What a pair."

"You're telling me."

At the sound of the female voice Mindy froze, slightly startled and slightly panicked, but mostly awestruck at the beautiful human in front of her.

"Mali-Koa.." Mindy couldn't even make her voice sound anything over a whisper.

"My brother likes you." Mali-Koa stared at Mindy, who was now only feeling annoyed.

"You don't say? I never would've guessed."

"He's right, you are a sarcastic little devil."

"Oh yeah, only carved from the best hot rocks found in the depths of hell." Mindy's sarcastic remarks made Mali-Koa crack a smile, which made Mindy feel slightly less annoyed and more relieved. Mali-Koa kicked at something in the ground then turned her full attention on Mindy.

"You know, my brother isn't a complete idiot, he's actually very smart."

At that Mindy rolled her eyes, "He seems like a complete idiot to me with all his blabbering and non stop staring."

Mali-Koa raised both her eyebrows then took a step towards Mindy. "You can think what you want of that 'complete idiot' as you call him, but he's my brother and I don't want him hurt by a girl who can't even give him the time of day." With that Mali-Koa walked right past Mindy before stopping at the door to say one last thing.

"I trust you enjoyed the party, Lilo."

Soon Mindy was left alone outside the house, her mind running wild at the thought that Calum could actually like her, but her heart completely bored with that scenario. Yet the words from Mali-Koa seemed to orbit around her in bold italics, she didn't mean to hurt Calum. He was just annoying and a dummy when it came to talking. Mindy shook her head and started her walk home, the thoughts of Calum still swirling in her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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