57. Justice For Sheila: Part Two

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Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time. But it ain't goin' away

~Elvis Presley


It was none other than Calvin.

There he was, struggling to free himself from the intense grip of the two cops holding him. It seemed like he had been roughed up, his fair face nursing bruises. Something was entirely different with him. Suddenly he wasn't the jovial man Marcus and his friends had met. Instead, the jolly face had been replaced by one which screamed pure evil. The Calvin that stood there was a different person; a darker alter ego to what they had originally thought of him. He was being oddly confident, an uncomfortable smirk plastered on his face. It was almost as if he was pleased with being caught. Michelle, Jeff and Luis found themselves sprung to their feet as they finally came face-to-face with the man who murdered Sheila.

"You...you mean to tell me that all this time we have been friends with the one who actually killed Sheila?" Jeff exclaimed, his mind completely blown away.

Marcus was about to answer him when suddenly Sheila's mother jumped out of her seat and went at Calvin. Sheldon was forced to carry her away from the stage as she screamed and leapt on Calvin, but not after she had dug her nails on his face, leaving behind a good chunk of scratches.

"But how? How was he able to kill her? What connection does he have to her?" Michelle questioned, trying not to remember that she had once stood next to Calvin. Marcus took the stage.

"That's easy. You see, Calvin wasn't the one who killed Sheila, Joel did."

"Wait," Luis interrupted. "If Calvin didn't kill Sheila, then why did you arrest him?"

Marcus smiled.

"Because he's the one who killed Sheila."

Everyone in the auditorium gave him quizzical stares. Marcus wondered why they hadn't figured it out yet.

"Catch up people! Calvin was just a false identity he created to manoeuvre his way around Middletown. His real name is Joel, Joel Peters,"

"Oh no!" Michelle gasped. Sheila's mother was still crying at her husband's hand, and the teens were still standing. William and Luis' grandmother were seating quietly, observing the drama unfold.

"Okay, Marcus. You need to really explain how the hell you did all of this, because I think I speak for everyone when I say that our heads are literally spinning right now," said Jeff, sitting down to take a huge breath. The others turned their attention to him and he let out a sigh, moving towards the centre of the stage.

"Okay then. So our investigation begins when Michelle called us to Old Bob's and then played us a voice note."

"A voice note in which Sheila mentions Mr Stevens' name," Jeff finished the statement.

"Hold on," William interrupted and stood up, petrified. "Stevens, as in, the deputy principal?"

He watched in horror as the four teens slowly nodded their heads. William went back to his seat, his mind drifting away as Marcus got back to the story.

"Right. Which then made us sure that Stevens was the one who killed Sheila, but then some coincidence struck by and Detective Timothy made his way into the Garage, together with Rocco and Tyron, who had a different story that a guy named Redhound was the one who killed the girl," Marcus paused, dropping his head slightly at the mention of Maxwell. He finally got a hold of himself and continued.

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