3. Sergeant Marcus Reporting For Toilet Duty Sir!

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If you're going to do something wrong, do it big, because the punishment is the same either way.

~Jayne Mansfield


Marcus' eyes threatened to close as he forced himself to pay attention to the words that all so slowly fell out Mrs Ivanna's lips. He glanced to the wall clock and his head dropped to the table. It had been 2:53 for five minutes!

Environmental class dragged on, Mrs Ivanna's monotone voice calling out static sentences like code.

'She must be fucking with Mr William,' Marcus thought. 'There is no other logical explanation as to why she is still here at this school.'

He tried to picture them together in bed, and shuddered at the thought of it.

Finally, after three tiresome hours, school was finally over; for the other students that is.

As the other students happily packed and chattered, Marcus began ruling out the worst possible toilets he'd have to clean.

"Fuck this school and their unorthodox punishments," he whispered.

"Hey asshole, I see you've become quite a trend today. What did the old man tell you?"

Marcus gave a smug smile as Jeff sat beside him. He came in with a shirt that reeked of Chanel, and a pair of jeans that Marcus had never seen before.

"Apparently from today onwards I am Arabella's newest janitor," Marcus grunted as he packed the last of his assignments in his backpack.

"Whoa! That was harsh man," Jeff chucked. "I'mma now be messing every inch of this school so that our new janitor here can have some work to do, won't want you slacking off now, would we?"

Marcus rose his finger to his friend as they both headed for the day.

"Anyway," Jeff began, "Since you are going to be here being patriotic to your school. I will be going home," he sighed - "Alone. And just sit on my couch and watch the latest episode of Riverdale," he sighed again with a sweet smile on his lips, "Alone."

"You wouldn't dare," Marcus hissed.

Jeff gave a big grin and walked away. He pointed at a spot on the floor. "Watch this space, janitor Marcus."

"Just fuck off."

The school emptied in a matter of minutes, and Marcus dropped his bag in class and trudged to the other end of the block to the janitor's closet.

Marcus shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked through the empty halls.


"Shit!" He jumped as a door banged shut. He waited and when he was certain there were no signs of life he quickened his pace away.

Luckily, John the janitor hadn't left yet when Marcus arrived. Marcus explained his situation to the man and he was given the required materials.

Marcus frowned at his equipment with pitiful eyes. Cloth, mop, a spray bottle of WD-40 and a bucket. Not even a glove for the protection.

"I'd be long gone before you finished, so you'd need to lock up."

"I'm not really good with keys."

"Then you best leave my equipment somewhere safe."

"Okay okay," he said and took the keys.

With one last look at Marcus, John walked away and Marcus followed suit to his destination- the toilets.

Arabella Academy: Perfectly ImperfectWhere stories live. Discover now