45. Surveillance Here, Surveillance There, Surveillance Everywhere

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Have an open face, but conceal your thoughts.

~Italian Proverb


Marcus was just entering his home's compound when he heard his mother screaming. He suddenly halted, listening into the evening for whether another sound might come out. His fears were confirmed when a man also screamed and started making sounds as if he was being beaten. Scared and alert, Marcus stealthily moved to the front door of the house, turned the doorknob carefully and tiptoed inside; he didn't want the supposed intruder hearing him approach him. He traced the noises to the kitchen, and his mouth dropped as soon as he saw what was happening.

Stewart and Jane were responsible for the noise. Apparently, Jane had poured hot soup all over Stewart, and Stewart was still dancing around the kitchen, trying to get wipe the soup off of him. He frantically removed the shirt he was wearing, exposing his muscular chest and packed abs in front of Jane. Jane took the view with quite the shock and stood there confused, some sexual tension growing in the kitchen. They stared at each other in silence, and probably would have done more if Jeff hadn't been screaming from the bathroom.

Marcus jumped at Jeff's interruption, announcing his unknown presence in the room. Jane took quite a leap too, and moved to Marcus hurriedly, a guilty look in her eyes.

"Marcus!" her voice was higher than usual. "What a pleasant surprise! For how long have you been standing there?" she asked, throwing glances at Stewart, who was now covering his chest with a kitchen towel.

"Ummm... I just arrived right now," he answered, his eyes moving to and from Stewart and Jane, his smile a cunning one. "How long has Stewart been here?"



Jane and Stewart stared at each other in surprise. They had just stated two contradicting answers at the same time. Marcus still kept his look at them, an uneasy silence reigning the atmosphere. Once again, it was interrupted by Jeff screaming to a song from the bathroom.

"Wow! Jeff is really hitting those Ariana Grande notes, huh?" Stewart changed the subject.

Marcus laughed.

"You should listen to him when he's drugged on enough energy drinks, that guy's voice is literally a whistle. Bet he's just from talking with Luis," he replied.

"Speaking of love," Jane approached Marcus and pulled him over to the dining table. She then made him sit on one of the chairs and she sat directly opposite him, placing her chin on a palm and eyeing Marcus cheekily.

"Why are you giving me that look?" asked Marcus.

"What look?" Jane protested.

"That one that looks like you are expecting me to announce that I'm marrying tomorrow," Marcus answered.

"Jeff told us that you spent the whole day with a girl—Michelle," Stewart joined Jane's side, covering himself with the shirt he had removed before doing the chores.

Marcus expression changed into a shocked one.

"Excuse me? A whole day! With a girl!" he exclaimed.

"Of course! Where else would you be?" Jane asked.

"With Michelle," Marcus unwillingly replied, suddenly getting why Jeff had lied.

"Well, tell us what you did with her the whole day? We also want to know what happened?" Stewart asked, his interest as piqued as Jane's.

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