10. The Truth Will Come Out, It Always Does

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All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.

~Galileo Galilei


"So this is what the idiots used to write that stupid message."

It was a female goat. She was young and healthy, other than the fact she was dead. The bullet hole in her neck had seen to that. It lay at an unnatural angle, legs splayed out and its back painfully arched. Something, or someone, had ripped its stomach open and drained its blood. Stevens felt a pang of nausea coursing through him and looked away for a moment.

"You think it's a student?" Job asked Stevens, the stench of the dead goat also hitting his nerves.

"No. I don't think so. This killer is way too experienced. God forbid he might even be the one who had killed the young girl," Stevens remarked.

The sound of a car engine shifted their focus. It was William's Volkswagen Beetle, dilapidated and rusting. The old car was ragged and its tires bald. William, however, did not see the need of buying another car when the Beetle was serving him well.

"Let's see what the old man has to say about this," Stevens said and left for William's car.

William was not a happy man when he alighted. He had just gotten out of a call with the Managing Director of Arabella Academy in which a very fierce argument was involved. Never in his life had he faced such a crisis and it was having an unpleasant effect on him.

"Seems like that junkie's giving you more discomfort than what's happening here," Stevens remarked, giving them a light moment that was much needed.

"Oh trust me, even driving this treasure here with no seats will give me far more comfort than what I'm facing right now. Job, will you now please go and ring that emergency assembly. I am tired of being treated like shit."

Job nodded and rushed to ring the bell, eager to hear what was in store for them.

William eyed Stevens and asked, "Any new developments?"

"Actually yeah. Turns out that the blood used to draw that message I informed of you earlier was got from one of the school's goats, it had been butchered and its blood sucked."

William took and deep breath then let it out slowly as he waited for the emergency bell to stop ringing.

"Do you think this had to do anything with our students?" William asked absent-mindedly, his mind wandering far away.

"To be honest I don't think so. Whoever killed that girl was a cold-blooded murderer. I don't believe we teach students of that kind here."

"Well we better hope so, because this thing is still troubling my mind; and every day it seems like it's just getting worse."

"Don't worry old man. The directors have much faith in you."

"At the moment it seems like that faith seemed to have died with the girl. The directors are on my neck since it took place. I can only hope that we find out what really happened here yesterday morning."

"We will William. The truth will come out. It always does."


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