Rocket X Daughter!Reader

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This story is dedicated to GabriellaMillan2

Hope you enjoy and like this:)

5 years.......

5 years since you saw your brother groot turn to dust right in front of you and your father rocket. You missed him so much.....

You were with Natasha sitting and talking to her and discussing your plans about future missions. Your father had gone to a mission in another planet.

You and Natasha had just finished talking with Rhodey, Carol, Nebula and your father. 

Natasha took a deep sigh and was on the verge of tears. You patted her back but also in tears. Just then Steve entered looking at you two all talked for sometime about telling people to move on but can't do it yourselves. You then heard a security alarm. Natasha accepted the alarm to see who it was....

Your P.O.V

I heard a security alert notification pop up and saw Natasha accepting it. I was just sitting blankly and listening to who had appeared in the notification when I saw a man in normal plain clothes yelling."Oh Hi, HII uh..IS ANYONE HOME?!! This is uhh SCOTT LANG...we met a few years the Germany...I was uh... the guy that got really big...."

"Is this an old message?...." Steve said surprisingly more like shockingly....

"It's the front gate..." Natasha said surprised too but also with a glimmer of smile.

"Wait you guys know him?...." you asked still confused.

"Yeah but how is he here? Isn't he supposed to be dead?" Natasha said confused.

"I don't know but we gotta find out." Steve said as he rushed to meet him.

Natasha gave the permission for the gate to be unlocked and dashed too. I was still confused but I ran with them as I could see in their faces a sort of happiness.....a sort of hope......

Time skip.

We talked with Scott about he ended up here and that he might have found a solution to the snap. We had called everyone to gather up in the headquarters and assemble the remaining avengers. Bruce and Tony worked on the time heist while Nat had brought Clint with her. I was with Scott eating tacos with him and getting to know him more when we saw a spaceship land near our sitting place. Unfortunately Scott's taco fillings had blown away while mine was still there fortunately so I shared him one of my three tacos and playfully teased him about the benefits of having more tacos. Just then Nebula was walking towards the compound when she saw us. We both exchanged heys to each other, when she saw Scott. Scott greeted her but she continued walking talking in her commas saying,"Rhodey, careful on the entry there an idiot on the landing zone." Just then Rhodey landed right in front of us scaring the daylight's out of Scott but not me as I was used to being pranked like this with my family...or let's say my drifted family.... Just then my dad shouted from the ship, " Hey!! Where's big green?" "In the kitchen I guess." I said. "Thanks kiddo. Anything fun till now without me?""Nothing much dad, just hanging out with Scott and explaining him why extra tacos are beneficial." I remarked sassily. "That's my kid!!!" He said laughing. At that time Bruce was walking over to the ship when he saw us. He saw Scott's condition and gave him two tacos. Bruce smiled at him and walked calmly towards the ship. Scott happily took the tacos and waved them right in front of me. I put my tongue out at him and then looked at my dad. "You better not do anything idiotic until I come back." Dad yelled. "Yeah very funny dad. Come back safe." I said. He waved at me then left. I was excited to reunite my family once again.

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