Steve X reader(The soul sacrifice)

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All of you were ready. Steve, Tony, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Bruce, Rhodey, Nebula, Scott, Rocket and you. Scott had discovered a way to recover the stones through time heist. Tony and Bruce had built it successfully.

The Previous day...

You and your boyfriend Steve had been sitting on the balcony watching the sunset.You two were holding hands enjoying the moment for the first time in years because of the events."Hey Y/N."Steve said. "How much time before did we have this moment?""5 years."you replied. You two sat staring the sun. After a long time Steve broke the silence."We are finally going to bring our friends and family back tomorrow." "Yeah,finally." You then saw Steve turning towards you His baby blue eyes you haven't seen in a while. He held your hands in his and said,"Y/N tomorrow's the day when we bring everything back to normal.So I decided to give you a surprise tomorrow. So you are going to return safely do you promise me?" You weren't sure of what he meant but you said anyways,"Fine I promise you, happy?"You saw him giving you a smile and kiss you slow but passionately. he hugged you and you two sat there watching the sun come down.

Present day

You all were ready. Steve, Tony, Scott, Bruce and Natasha were going to collect the time, space and mind stone. Rhodey and Nebula were going to collect the power stone. Thor and Rocket were going to collect the Reality stone. You and Clint were going to collect the soul stone. You all travelled through the time heist and reached your destinations.

You and Clint were in Vormhir. It looked a bit creepy for you two over there but chose to focus. You two were on the top after climbing the mountain. "Well the racoon did not get to climb the mountain."You said out of breath. " Technically he's not a racoon you know."He replied also out of breath."Oh whatever he eats garbage."

Just then you two hear someone say,"Welcome." You two drew your weapons at the person, Clint a sword and you a gun. "Y/N, daughter of Aurora...Clint,son of Edith."You two slowly drew your weapons back but still in fighting stance. You asked the guy,"Who are you?""Consider me a guide to you and to all who seek the soul stone."He replied. "Oh good,you tell us where it is and we'll be on our way."you said sassily."If only it were that easy."He said coldly. Yoo two followed him till a cliff. Then the guy said,"What you seek lies in front of you. As does which you fear." You told Clint,"The stone's down there."but the guy continues,"So one of you for the other. In order to take the  stone you must lose that which you love, an everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul.

You sit thinking of what you should do. "Jesus, maybe he's making this shit up."Clint replied slightly laughing. But you stay silent."No,I don't think so."You say."Yeah cause he knows your daddy's name?" "I didn't."you replied still silent. Clint looked at you slightly surprised.You continued,"Thanos left here with the stone without his daughter.It's not a coincidence." "Yeah"Clint replied sadly. "Whatever it takes."you murmured. Clint too repeated the 3 words. You finally stood up saying,"If we don't get that stone billions of people stay dead." Clint nodded saying,"I guess we both know who it's gotta be." "I guess we do." you said sadly. You two held your hands. But then Clint finally realizes what you were talking about,"I'm starting to think we mean different people here Y/N."he said smiling. "For last 5 years I've been trying to do one thing to get here, that's all that's been about bringing everybody back."you said. "No don't you get all decent on me now."He said."What you think I wanna do it. I am trying to save your life you idiot." "No I don't want you to. You know what I have become.""I don't judge people on their mistakes." "You know you are a pain in my ass."Clint said jokingly. you two met your foreheads. "Okay you win."Clint said tears in his eyes. But then he tripped you by his legs letting you fall on the ground saying,"Tell my family I love them."You knocked him over letting him fall on the ground you gaining the advantage."Tell them yourself."you said before electrocuting him and running toward the end. But before you reached he removed the device off him and shot an arrow beside you making you injured and fall on the ground. He then threw his bow and ran towards the end. Just as he jumped you grabbed him. You attached the wire on the wall of the cliff that held Clint leaving you hanging as Clint had held your arm."Damn you."he said when he realized what had happened. You calmly said to Clint,"Let me go.Its okay."while looking down. Clint was repeatedly saying the word 'no' in fear of losing you. You smiled at him and said your last words,"Tell the Avengers that I will miss them a lot and tell Steve that I will love him no matter and not to be sad when he gets to know that I will be late for the surprise." Clint was crying when you were saying these words and his grip on you was getting loose. You took advantage of this and kicked yourself away from Clint making you fall the deep cliff. While falling you were thinking of the memories you had with the Avengers and your love Steve...and then your vision got black.

Clint saw you fall down the cliff and sacrifice your life. He thought how would Steve feel about your death and the surprise he had planned in giving you after everyone had returned.

When everyone gathered in the tower...

All of them were happy when they returned but they saw Clint. His angry and emotional expression. Steve tensed up not seeing you and asked,"Clint, where's Y/N?"afraid of what the answer might be.Clint stood still unable to answer and Steve did understand. What he had feared was true. 

1 hour later....

All of them were at the lakeside. Thor was not convinced. "We can undo it, we can bring her back, what's the big deal in that?" "It cannot be undone."Clint said sadly, on the verge of tears."Of course it ca be undone. Look I don't want to hurt you but you mortals don't know anything about the stones.." But Clint cut him off saying,"It can't be undone or that's at least what the red floating guy had to say. Maybe you wanna go talk to him, okay? Go grab your hammer and you go fly and go talk to him." He looked at everyone crying. Tony and Natasha were comforting Steve. Then  Clint remembered your last words,"Y/N wanted me to say her last words." Everyone's attention went towards Clint especially Steve's. Clint continued,"She said she would miss the Avengers a lot and would always love Steve more than anything. She also said to Steve to not be sad when he going to know that she'll be late for the surprise."Everyone looked at Steve. But he was staring towards the ground. But then Steve broke the silence,"She's gone, but we have to make it worth it. We need to avenge the fallen. We need to avenge her."he said heartbreakingly. "We will" Tony first said then Natasha and then one by one all the Avengers encouragingly. Steve nodded approvingly and then looked at the object he brought. The surprise. A ring.

Hoped you liked it. Please comment and request on whatever character you want me to write and on which event.If you want to know what incident took place you can check out the video above. Tried my best, please appreciate it. See you in the next imagine.Bye Bye.

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