Bruce X reader(The Infinity Gauntlet)

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You all had gathered the Stones and had even placed it on the gauntlet that Stark had made. You had to appreciate Tony's work on the gauntlet cause it looked identical just like the one with Thanos except it's red. Tony had asked who was gonna wear it and Thor had agreed but you  all stopped him because you knew that he was not in the condition to handle its power as even Thanos had burnt his left arm due to it. But then Bruce agreed. You hesitated for a while. You asked him,"Bruce, are you sure you gonna do this." "Yeah Y/N." he replied."Look I already lost my Natasha, but I don't want to lose you. It'll be too much for me." you said with concern. He smiled at you and hugged you and said,"No nothing would happen to me and how could i lose my wife just like that." You laughed a little by hearing this then you two let go of each other and he started explaining why he can do it,"I can do it because the energy radiated from it is mostly gamma so i guess I can handle it." Tony agreed with it," Ok remember, everyone Thanos snapped away 5 years ago you are just bringing them back today." Everyone got ready if any impact was going to happen. Tony asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to close all the windows and doors for safety. Bruce sighed," Alright everybody comes home." and then he puts his hand in the gauntlet. But he starts to scream due to the pain caused of the energy. Thor concerned about Bruce shouted," Take it off, just take that off." but Steve cut him off saying,"No wait Bruce are you okay?" "Talk to me, Banner."Tony said. "Come on Bruce, say something." you said scared enough.But just then Bruce replies,"I am alright." He holds his hand with the gauntlet in the air and snaps his fingers. The moment he does it he faints. You all run towards him. You grab his face and check for pulses and get relieved that he's just unconscious. Clint kicks the gauntlet away from you all.  After a few moments he wakes up. You smile at him and hug and kiss him."Hey Y/N, told you I won't leave my wife anywhere." Everyone smiled at this. Now there was more to come for the upcoming day. At east you were with him no matter what.

Sorry if this was short.But hoped you liked it. Please comment and request on whatever character you want me to write and on which event.If you want to know what incident took place you can check out the video above. Tried my best, please appreciate it. See you in the next imagine.Bye Bye.

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