Chapter 23

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I sighed as I fell down onto the couch beside Phil. Dan had invited Jenna over to watch a movie and asked Phil to join them. Phil decided to be a nice friend and accept the offer, but as he didn't want to be stuck with the bitch and the idiot, he asked me to stay. 

"I hate you," I mumbled. Jenna walked in and smiled evilly at me. "Hi, Megan!" She said, flashing an evil grin, and I glared at her, but my glare disappeared as Dan walked in. Dan started the movie and Jenna sat down beside me, of course so Dan couldn't. I sighed in frustration and focused on the movie, blocking out the thoughts of wrapping my hands around that tiny fake neck of hers. 


Dan got up, saying he was going to get some more popcorn. Phil got up, making the excuse that he was going to get a drink. Jenna did the unexpected. She stood up, standing in front of Phil and stopping him dead in his tracks. Jenna leaned forward connecting her lips to his. Of course, Dan had to walk back right at the exact moment. Jenna pushed Phil away shrieking. Dan eyes lit with fury. "You-" Dan was about to yell at Phil, but I stood up. "Don't you dare say anything to him. He did nothing." I growled out. "I saw it! HE KISSED MY GIRLFRIEND," Dan yelled. I let out a deep, angry breath. "You saw it? You saw him pull her into the kiss? NO, YOU DIDN'T. I WATCHED IT WITH MY OWN TWO DAMN EYES," I paused. Dan stared at me, eyes filled with shock and anger. "Get out and take her fake plastic ass with you." I said, crossing my arms. Dan shook his head. "I'm not dealing with you or her. Now go before I strangle you and pull that little barbie's hair out," Dan took Jenna's hand, leading her out of the room. I stood perfectly still until I heard the door open and close again. I then turned to Phil, who was biting his lip. I shook my head and walked up to Phil, hugging him. "I'm sorry.." I mumbled.

**TBH, THIS CHAPTER IS ALL OVER THE PLACE. ALSO, THIS BOOK HAS LIKE NO PLOT SO YEAH. I have messed up this book so much.. I'm just not happy with it.

Oh and in the last chapter AN, I talked about my ex being childish and stuff. Well, now he's taking the high road and wants to be friends. Like uhhh... I wanted to stay friends the night we broke up, heeeello? Did you just hate me then and not plan on ever talking to me again? wtf?  

On a better note, Save Me From Myself hit 4k and this story hit 3k! Guys! That's amazing! Thank you so much! I can't even thank you enough! I love you all so so much! I really don't deserve this! Thank you all for reading!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! xx**

[Edit from 2017: That is not what I remembered. Wow, more drama to add to the fricking list. Also, ^^ past Megan, forgive him. He will be one of your best friends ever. Your family will be his second family. He may annoy you to the max, but you love the idiot. He even came to your boring awards banquet that was an hour and a half drive away just to see you get an award. He once saw you crying because you embarrassed yourself in the middle of class and told the rest of your friends to cheer you up. Appreciate him.]

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