Chapter 20

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Usually it's only Phil, Dan, and I at home for New Years. This year was different though. Phil had invited PJ, Chris, and a couple of other YouTubers over to have a little party. Phil was running around, putting things on the walls and trying to be decorative. Dan was blowing up balloons (after being forced by Phil to) and taping them to the mantel. I went and hid in my room before he could assign a job to me, but soon enough, Phil noticed that I was gone and called me in there to help him tape things up. I groaned as I walked into the lounge. I saw seven colorful balloons taped to the mantel and random things strung across the walls. "I think it's good enough!" I said, collapsing onto the couch beside Dan. "Fine, I'll set up the Weakest Link by myself." I looked over at Dan who shrugged. "Uh, okay," He soon started setting up the door to play his version of 'Weakest Link'. 


"I'M THE WINNER!" PJ yelled, throwing his hands in the air. "Good job..." I grabbed a balloon from the mantel and held it in front of me. I dug my nails into it, popping it. I saw Dan jump out of the corner of my eye and Phil let out a small screech. "You get a popped balloon," I said, laughing. "Hey! I'm the one that had to blow those up!" Dan yelled. "Too bad!" I yelled back, laughing. 


"One minute!" Chris yelled out. We had a countdown going. 50 seconds until 2015. The seconds went down one by one. We were all saying the numbers as they counted down. I held a balloon in my hands, ready to pop it right as it hit the one second mark. It got to ten and I started screaming the numbers louder than everyone else. 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... I was about to pop the balloon as it hit 1. That one remaining second ran up and everybody cheered. I felt lips connect onto mine. I was shocked to see that it was PJ. I pushed PJ off of me. I saw Dan looking as if he was about to attack PJ. Everyone else was still cheering, not even noticing what had happened. My mouth was open in shock. "Get out," Dan mumbled, angrily. Everyone had now stopped cheering and were staring us. Before PJ even moved an inch, I had ran out of the room and down the hall to mine and Dan's room. I locked the door and brought hands to my face, letting out a few tears. I want to be friends with PJ, but he comes up on me in front of Dan. This relationship is the best I've ever had, but I'm not sure I need to be in it right now. Something goes wrong every time that Dan and I fix our relationship and I don't know how much more I can handle. I sighed. Who would've thought that this would be the start of my year?...


I finished carrying all my stuff into my old room and I walked back into Dan's room to make sure that I had gotten everything. I saw Dan looking around. "Where's all your stuff?" He asked, looking at me. "First of all, that's your question? Did you just walk in here expecting to avoid conversation about what happened? Because you know you can't avoid that. Second of all, my stuff is in my room," I snapped at him, not meaning to sound so harsh, but obviously failing. 

"No, I was coming in here to talk to you about it, but I saw that all your stuff was gone..." He mumbled. "Well, let's talk. I want PJ to be my friend. I want you to be my boyfriend. It looks like I can't have both," Dan bit his lip, "Please, don't be saying that you want to break up." I didn't want to, but I need a break. "Dan, every time we fix our relationship, something goes wrong and messes it all up. I can't take much more," Tears were now at the brims of my eyes. "Meg-" I cut him off. "I'm sorry, but we're through, Dan." 

**Well, I'm a life ruiner, aren't I? Happy New Years! There are currently 40 minutes until 2015 here! So, my next chapter will be next year, you guys :O Wow, time has flown. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this trainwreck of a chapter! Have a Happy New Year! Enjoy 2015! Thanks for reading! Love you all!**

[Edit from 2017: I was a psychic! The Just Dance video where Phil popped the balloon after Dan won was, I think, 3 months after this chapter was posted, so obviously little Megan didn't use that as inspiration for the part where the balloon popping happened. 

Also, as I was writing this edit, Daniel Preda replied to me on twitter and I freaked out. I don't know if any of you watch Joey Graceffa to know Daniel or not. Two hours before my birthday and I get a reply. What a life I lead. (After I finished editing this chapter, he replied to me again. He must be trying to kill me before I can reach my 16th birthday)]

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