Chapter 14

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Megan's POV

The door creaked open. The small amount of light revealed an unusual figure. A figure much bigger than I was used to seeing standing at that door. The figure, who I still referred to as he, stood right behind that one. I pretended to be sleeping in hopes that they wouldn't do anything to me. "You idiot." I heard one of them mutter. "You're going to get us caught," I heard. I guessed that it was the taller figure, seeing as he turned to look at the other. "They're going to figure it out pretty damn easily!" He yelled. The taller one started walking closer to me, grabbing me by my hair. I cried out in pain as my head was lifted up by only my hair. Pain surged through my head and suddenly, everything went pitch black. I was out. Only my mind and myself were left. I take that back. My thoughts were all I had left at the time. 

Phil stood there, an angry expression planted on his face. "Phil.." I pleaded. Everything around us suddenly went in fast motion. Phil walked forward and placed his hands around my neck. He slowly pulled his fingers tighter around my neck. I tried to protest, but no sounds found their way out of my mouth. I moved my eyes to look around, noticing that it wasn't just normal scenery around us. The area around us were our memories. Childhood memories all the way to recent memories. Phil and I as children with our older brother, Martyn. Phil and I being the hyper and weird kids we once were. It all led up to the last time I saw him. When he yelled out, saying that it was all my fault. I remembered my feelings at the time perfectly. I felt like a complete failure. Tears had threatened to spill out of my eyes and down my cheeks, but they didn't. The moment I started walking away from Phil in the memory is when Phil's grip on my neck released and everything went dark once again. 

**YEAH, IT'S SHORT, BUT BE HAPPY YOU GOT A CHAPTER. Someone gave me a small idea (you know who you are and I love you for all your help :3) and my writer's block went away when I listened to some Set It Off music, which led me to take that person's idea even farther! Mhmmm, music is so helpful. Okay, so yeah. Next chapter will be up very soon! Thanks for reading. (Comment your reaction because I'm curious. I almost cried. I'm too attached.) Love you ALL!**

[Edit from 2017: Ha, I was listening to Set It Off when I wrote this and I'm listening to Big Time Rush as I edit it. Those are two tooootally different bands.] 

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