Primary Colors - Part 2

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"Hands where I can see them," Archie said as Veronica kissed another boy on the cheek at their 'A Cupcake and a Kiss' stand for Veronica and Betty's campaign.

"Here you go," Veronica handed him a cupcake after she pulled away. "Now remember, vote Lodge-Cooper. Okay, who's next?" she asked as he walked away. "The cupcakes have been flown in from Magnolia Bakery in New York, but the kisses, however, are locally sourced." She leant down on the counter as she talked to another boy, but stood up when she saw Ethel. "Uh, five minute hydration break." She walked away and over to Ethel.

"Good for her," Aminity smiled before looking at the clock on the wall. "I'm gonna be late for the Swords and Serpents meeting. I have to go. Keep up the good work," she hugged Betty before rushing down the halls, finding Jughead at the front of the classroom.

"This isn't a demolition notice," he was saying as she moved to stand beside him. "It's a notice of extermination." He crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash.

"We've already said our goodbye to Southside, Jughead."

"Today it's Southside High. Tomorrow it's the Wyrm," he told her. "Everything that makes the Southside home is gonna disappear. If we roll over now, it's all over."

"It's just a building, Jug."

"No, Toni. It's the soul of the Southside. The Uktena fought and died trying to protect that land. Our parents fought to keep it safe during the riots. Now it's our turn. It's our time. This is our fight. So who's with me? Who's ready to go to war?"


"This is a protest I can get behind," Aminity sighed as she finished chaining everyone up. "The only thing is the weather."

"We're kind of on a time table," Jughead told her.

"I know. Are you sure I ca-"

"No. You're not joining us. You can sit here, but you need to have the freedom to go home if anything happens. We don't know what could trigger-"

"I know. I know," she stopped him. "I got it." The Serpents stood chained to Southside High for a little while, just talking, until Archie came up on his bike.

"Well, well, well," Jughead said as Archie walked over to them. "The cavalry's finally here. Guess that means we've got Hiram's attention."

"Are you nuts? Chaining yourself to this place? They're gonna tear it down in two days, dude."

"Not unless Hiram wants the blood of eight young Serpents on his hands."

"Nine," Aminity interjected.

"We're not going anywhere. Go and tell your boss we said that."


"God, why didn't you call me last night, Jug?" Betty asked. "I would have brought you and your crew blankets."

"Aminity had that covered. She brought us stuff all night. Besides, you would have tried to stay the night."

"Are you sure you're not gonna get arrested for trespassing or protesting without a permit?"

"Oh, that's the beauty of all this, Betty. See, if Sheriff Keller and his goons try to manhandle a bunch of teens peacefully trying to save their former school, it's just gonna look ugly. Not to mention probably go viral, which," he sighed, "at this point, it is a publicity I would welcome."

"Plus, we have back up," Aminity said as she sat with them.

"No one's gonna mess with those guys over there," he pointed at where FP and some of the older Serpents stood in the parking lot.

"Good point. I have some student council obligations with Veronica, but I'll be back later tonight, okay?" She kissed him sweetly.

"Go get 'em, Tracy Flick." She smiled before standing up.

"Good luck. It'll be great. I would be there, but-"

"You did enough helping us set it up. It'll be great," she smiled at her before leaving.

"You good?" she asked her brother.


"How about you guys?" she walked over to Fangs, Sweet Pea, and Septimus.

"Yeah, Princess."

"A-huh," Septimus gave her a quick kiss.

"You've kept us warm and fed. I think we're okay," Fangs smiled.

"I'm just checking. We need this to be as successful as possible."


"Last man standing," FP walked up to them. "What happened to no Serpent left behind?"

"Ah, they're claiming frostbite. They'll be back after some coffee. They'll warm up."

"Blankets, hot chocolate, and coffee are great, but rain seems to win," Aminity said as she sat by him.

"Too bad. I got a dozen burgers," he held up the bag from Pop's. "Guess they're all yours now," he tossed it to Jughead who just sighed. "Come on, boy. It's just you, me, and your sister. We're not gonna tell anyone you broke your hunger strike." He broke down and started eating, Aminity and FP stealing a few burgers. "So, uh... Just like clockwork, I got a call from Hiram."

"What's he offering this time?"

"You know how they're saying SoDale will be mostly low income housing? Well, apparently, they'll be a few penthouses at the top. Would be more than enough space for all of us. Your mom and us. Just like you always wanted."

"Just imagine me, standing on that balcony and looking over a prison right in the same spot that all my friends and I used to go to school. And Aminity growing up in a town where the best hope, or only hope aside from getting the hell out, is to work at the prison?"

"You do know I'm right here and I'm not that much younger than you, right?"

"It's not right," he sighed. "What did you say to him?"

"Nothing. I hung up on his ass and went to Pop's and got some burgers." They all smiled at each other before he wrapped his arms around their shoulders.


"Save our school! Save our school! Save our school!" was  chanted by the crowd that had formed around Southside High, the Serpents back to being chained up. Sheriff Keller and a few other police officers were there for crowd control along with Pop who was passing out hot drinks. Archie and the wrestling team walked up to them, FP stopping him.

"Cops may let you by, Red, but you come in here acting like a big man and I will knock you down."

"Dad, don't," Jughead pulled him away with some help from Aminity. "They'll throw you in jail. Don't give them an excuse."

"I'm sorry, Jughead. I'm sorry, Aminity."

"Me too."

"Me three."

"We're not gonna fight you, Archie. Look around," he said, glancing at all of the phones that were recording. "It may have taken a couple of days, but now people know what Hiram's doing, what's happening here. This fight is not gonna go away. We're not going to go away. So go on. Cut us down," he looked at the cutters he held. "I want them to see you do it," he held up his bound wrists. Archie snapped the chains apart, the crowd booing. The rest of the team went up to the other Serpents, cutting them and then leading them away. One of them shoved Aminity, causing her to stumble.

"Leave her alone," Sweet Pea growled as Fangs helped steady her, both of them staying on either side of her as they were pushed away from the school.

"Protective much?" Aminity asked with a small smirk.

"I'm still waiting for that pool game. I can't have you get hurt before that."

"Oh, a-huh," she chuckled.

I hope you liked this chapter. Aminity's kind of bouncing from task to task, but I think that's realistic, or at least for me. I can't wait to write the pool scene with Aminity and Sweet Pea, but I haven't decided where to put it yet. Stay safe!

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