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Once I got to Ms.McGonagall's classroom I saw Hagrid standing there confused to why he's been called in. Well crud this is great for me! Soon after I walk in Snape walks in also with a stern look on his face, he's still hot when he looks like he wants to murder you, you know? "Have a seat Ms.Hagrid" She says and pulls out a chair for me.

 I sat down then she turned to Hagrid and said "did you know your daughter has detention?" "Yes, why?" he said confused. "Well your daughter decided to not do the detention assignment that was assigned, and instead she decided to try and seduce Snape." Hagrid turned his head  towards me slowly and didn't say anything then turned away. McGonagall turned to be and said "you will finish your detention with me, and you will have detention for the rest of the week with professor Snape if he still wants or it will be with me." 

"It's okay, I can handle her."

"are you sure?" she said puzzled

"yeah, I'll be good." he said in the coldest tone ever. Ms.McGonagall then said "What do you have to say for yourself?" I looked at her and said "Whoops." she rolled her eyes, and handed me the stack of papers. I thought to myself  "I might as well give up, maybe I can find somebody else."

"Hagrid, Snape, you can leave" she said and then they walked out of the class in silence. After detention was over I walked out into the hallway to see Draco standing there. "What do you want, Draco?" I said as I rolled my eyes. "I saw what you tried to pull with professor Snape" he smirked. My eyes widened in shock but then I tried to make it seem like I did nothing wrong "I don't what you talking about" I said

"Oh stop playing dumb, Agnes. I know you tried to hook up with professor Snape." then he chuckled "It was hella funny though, nobody wants to kiss you, not even an old man." He was laughing so loud at his own joke now. At this point I was reconsidering my idea to leave Snape alone. "I could get with him!" I boasted but then quickly covered my mouth. He cocked a brow then said "Oh really?"  "Well if by the end of the month you haven't hooked up with Snape I will tell the whole school what I saw and you will be expelled." 

"It's a deal!" I said, but I immediately regretted my decision. "Alright." he scoffed, "can't wait until you get expelled. Then he walked away

Well I am screwed :)

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