Sorting ceramony

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We were soaring through the air and hair my dark brown hair flowing in the wind. I felt like a goddess low-key, but I'm still scared how are we flying? The next thing I knew we were leaving the city and flying over fields and forests and eventually over a huge lake that looked darker than my soul. Haha I know I'm SOOOOOO funny! We finally land in a field with a little house by the forest and huge mid-evil looking palace thing in the distance. "Why are we at a museum" I asked. He looked and me and tilted his head. "What's that? This is Hogwarts! My home, and your new school." My jaw dropped, my. new. WHAT. "it's pretty dark" he said "we should head inside you need to get sorted into your house." He pushed on my back slightly, guiding me to the "school". "If you don't mind me where am I?" "How come there is flying motorcycles and a mid-evil looking school and what exactly are you guarding?" "Has your mum never told you about Hogwarts before?" I shook my head slightly. "Well shiver me timbers you have a lot to learn!" "Hogwarts is a school for Witches and Wizards. Did they not have things like this is America?" "Uhm, no" I said slowly. "What are you guarding?" I said again. "I'm guarding Hogwarts from death eaters and Voldemort- I mean you know who." Death eaters. DEATH EATERS?! I RATHER BE BROKE AND LIVING WITH MY STUPID MOTHER THAN WITH THIS PLACE THAT HAS DEATH EATER HECK NO!!! But my mom disowned me so what am I supposed to do? "What's a death eater and who's Voldemort?" He looked at me with the most shocked expression "We don't say that name here it is dangerous" I raised one of my brows and said "alright then" I was gonna ask more questions but we got to the school entrence and he lead me into a big hall with four tables with people wearing different color ugly robes. I got weird stares and whispers as I walked down to the weird stage. They're all just jealous I'm wearing a skimpy skin tight dress and they aren't. Whispers traveled across the room and an old man is a long scruffy white beard said with a wand to his neck he said "Silence!" his voice echoed around the room. He looked like he was gonna slit his throat with that wand the way he was holding it and not gonna lie that would've been entertaining. I reach the stage and see a bunch of old teachers who looked so boring justing sitting there. The old man in the long beard who said "We have a new student here tonight. This is Hagrid's daughter Agnes Hagrid. The room was dead silence as they all started at me in disbelief. I was just as shocked as them because I could tell what they were thinking "How can this man get WAP and I can't" because honestly I was thinking the same thing. The man looked to me and said "My name is Albus Dumbledore, but call me professor Dumbledore" So that's Dumbledore. He looks to me like 1000 years old but whatever. Dumbledore grabbed a gross looking hat with a face on it and said "Today we will find out what house this wonderful witch is." Not to flatter myself but this old man was like kinda flirting with me ;). The hat started talking and by accident I yelled out "What the fuck" and the room fell dead silent, again. Even the creepy hat did to. It paused for a few seconds then said "well that phrase was all I needed to know." "GRYFFINDOR!!" The table with the red robes all started clapping. Dumbledore told me that these people were gonna be considered my family and I had to share a dorm with them. I looked at the table to see if there was any cute guys and most of them were stupid gingers. And I think we all know as south park says "gingers have no souls." Lowkey they were cute though so I ran to the table and sat next to some ginger twins. Apparently their names were Fred and George. They were nice, but like i'm bored already I want drama. Maybe I can hookup with somebody I don't know.

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